QC Rejects
Successful transfers
Do's & Don'ts

- Rep said "We are not here to change your plans or anything". Rep should be reminded to stick to the provided rebuttals to avoid misleading information.

- Rep said Medicaid bills instead of Medical.

- Energy is fine, but could be better.

what should the call be tagged as?

No Answer


Jorge answers the call. Rep Brittany asks all qualifying questions right before transferring the call. Jorge then informs Brittany that he cannot understand English well and would prefer a Spanish-speaking LIA.

Question: What should Brittany do next to ensure a successful call?

probe and verify if they spoke slowly in English if the lead would be able to understand, if yes proceed, if no divert to Spanish queue


I already told you guys remove me from your calling list or I will report you to the BBB.

 Which disposition should be used for this scenario?



Do not transfer if person is born 1974.

True or False



Which rebuttal can be used anywhere in the call?

We’re here to assist you in reviewing options to ensure you are receiving essential benefits to help you cover wellness visits, dental, vision, prescription coverage, outpatient services and more!


What is the one line in the script that must be read to avoid a QC reject?



I can transfer French citizens to the DNQ Spanish transfer line. 

True or False

False DNQ


- Lead speaks Spanish.

- The rep was able to probe but failed to deliver a Spanish spiel.

- As per checking the rep did not attempt to transfer to the Spanish line.

call should be tagged as DNQ Spanish Transfer

True or False 

False DNQ only


log in at 7:30 for meetings

True or False

False 7:15am


How did you get my number?

You or someone within your household filled out information online indicating you were interested in our services


After purpose of the call lead stated: " So uh, yeah called me like 30 minutes ago and I told you not to call me again, you know call me again." Rep responded "Okay, I'm going to share. This is the last call you're getting Sir. Just let me see can do to a license agent. I have four questions just to asking. Is that okay? Rep replied; I'm not giving you any information to a scamming. Sorry".
Even though the lead has repeatedly stated that he wants to be placed on the do not call list, the rep continues to insist that this is the last call he will receive and to ask the qualifying questions. Lead also stated that even if he is transferred, he will not respond to any questions, then the rep immediately transferred the call
When LIA came on the line, lead just complained and said to put him on the do not call list

Rep tagged the call as Transfer/Good lead.

is this considered A valid transfer or a buyer's complaint/QC Reject

buyer's complaint/QC Reject


- Rep has a clear and friendly tone on the call.

- Rep should not skip any part of the script.

- Lead was qualified.

- Rep made small talk with the lead.

- No handoff; LIA took over the call.

- Call was transferred.

is this considered as a successful or unsuccessful transfer

Successful Transfer


- Lead hung up when the LIA asked her how she is.

- Rep should avoid pausing after delivering the purpose of the call to avoid objections.

what should the call be tagged as?

Not Interested


As long as the lead is 18 years and older we can proceed with the call.   

True or False

False 21-64 years 


I have Suna Care:

What procedure should be done?

Probe to verify if the lead has Medicare, Medicaid or Employer insurance


Background noise should be minimized.

Rep maintains good energy and friendly tone throughout the call.

Rep was able to compliment the lead's age.

All qualifications were asked.

Complete handoff.

Call was transferred.

Is this considered A  QC Reject

True or False

False Transfer/ Good Lead


If the qualifying questions are asked and answered, but the lead did not confirm to being transferred during the transfer spiel, is this considered a successful transfer?

YES: successful transfer/ good lead


-Call was answered promptly 

- Tone and Pace is Excellent 

- Energy is Awesome 

- Rep asked Medicaid Question and Lead said I am on Medicare

- Rep transferred the call.

What should the call be tagged as?



I get my benefits from the IRS, how d I proceed with this call?

rebut and proceed it is not stating insurance


Michael answers call and said I told you already I have blue cross blue shield. How would you rebut?

I understand, everyone we speak to already has insurance of some kind. Our job is to make sure we get you access to the latest FREE benefits available. This costs you no money to get the information and make sure you have the best plan, OK?


Great! You qualify for a monthly subsidy that covers essential expenses like medical bills, health insurance, and additional benefits. This program helps you keep more of your personal money for other daily essentials you need.

This only takes a few minutes and it's free to check. I'm going to bring a licensed health insurance agent on the line to guide you through the application. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask them. Please stay on the line while I connect us now……

Valid transfer or QC Reject

QC Reject: script was not followed and the rep misled the lead by saying that they QUALIFY. 


If the lead answers all questions from the rep, but when the LIA agent comes on the line the lead states, "I have my attorney here on the line with me," what should be my next step? Should I hang up, transfer the call to the agent and mark it as a successful transfer, or hang up and mark it as Do Not Call?



If the lead hangs up during or after the transfer, before the agent can end the call on the transfer portion 

what should this call be dispositioned as?

No Answer


If the customer states they are on their spouse’s insurance rebut and transfer.

True or False


clarify if it is through their employer or VA before transferring the call over.


Call was placed to Anna, however, Christie responded stating that her mom just passed away but she is interested in learning more about the benefits. What are the steps to make this a successful call?

Empathize, gatherer lead information, change out information , proceed with call.