Novel Study
Mystery Question

What's the difference between 

"I have lived here for 5 years" 


"I have been living here for 5 years"?

I have lived here suggests that it is finished whereas I have been living here implies that it may continue. 


In grade 7, you all made posters on an explorer like Magellan, Columbus, Vespucci, and so on. 

List two of their achievements. 

Answers vary


Name the ten French words we learned. 






Deja Vu



A la mode



In The Goldfish Boy, Matthew has OCD. 

What happens if you have OCD? 

You have to do the same thing over and over again. 


Name five kinds of charts we use in writing part one. 

line graph, pie chart, bar graph, table, map


Passive has three forms: 

Present passive: something is done

Past passive: something was done

Present perfect passive: something has been done

Make a sentence in present perfect passive. 

answers vary


What's the difference between a robot and A.I.? 

Robots can perform simple physical tasks like making coffee or assembling cars. A.I. has the ability to understand commands, algorithms, and do creative tasks based on human examples. 


Name three inventions from Rome. 

Newspaper, roads, surgical tools, arch, aquaduct


Name two of the main themes in The Goldfish Boy and how they were shown in the story. 

A weakness can become a strength. Matthew's OCD becomes a strength because he he takes detailed notes which helped find the kidnapper. 

Guilt can cause mental problems and we must learn to forgive ourselves. Matthew blamed himself for his brother's death so he developed OCD. He learns to forgive himself by trusting others and finding Teddy. 


Why do people gossip and why is it usually negative? 

Gossip serves the function of keeping the group safe from liars, cheats, and other dangerous people. It's usually negative because it's based on secondhand information and we spread the story without finding out if it's true or false first. 


We studied relative pronouns (who, whom, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why) 

Add relative pronouns and adverbs to connect the sentence:

My sister is from Boston. Boston is a very old city. Many important events happened there. She is a dentist.  

My sister, who is a dentist, is from Boston which is a very old city where many important events happened. 


My sister is a dentist from Boston, a very old city where many important events happened.


In grade 8, we made our own schools. Can you say five things that are in traditional schools? For example, in a traditional school, there is one teacher who teaches many students. 

sit in rows, a bell rings, we learn subjects separately, one teacher and many students, it's organized like a factory, it's divided by age, students sit passively and take notes. 


We played a game about cowboys in grade 8. 

Name five things they used in the old west. 

guns, horses, saddle, cowboy hats, rope, flask


What was the main idea in Nothing? 

It's about a boy named Pierre who leaves school and decides that nothing matters then begins trying to convince his classmates of this too. They take several steps to try and solve this problem but end up caught in his philosophy. 

Choose one: 

1) Explain the purpose of Halloween

2) Spell and pronounce its real name

3) State three authentic Halloween traditions. 

Halloween was the beginning of the new year and people believed that when darkness came, the ghosts of their ancestors and evil spirits could enter our world. They did some customs to honor their ancestors and protect themselves from the spirits. 

Samhain (Saw when)

Wearing a costume. 

Leaving food out for the ghosts. 

Making a bonfire to burn the old and get ready for the new. 


Make a third conditional from the situation. 

It's your girlfriend's/boyfriend's birthday and you gave them a gift. However, two years ago they told you they didn't like this kind of gift, but you forgot. Now, they are angry and disappointed in you. 

If I hadn't given them this gift again, they wouldn't have been angry and disappointed in me. 


If I had remembered what they told me, I wouldn't have given this gift again. 


Name 4 things I should do to make a sustainable farm. 

use companion plants, use no-till or conservation till, use clean energy, use cover crops to protect the soil, use crop rotation, let the animals be free


Change the word forms. You must get three correct to get the points. 

What's the adjective form of fire?

What's the noun form of crazy? 

What's the verb form of energy?

What's the adjective form of world?

What's the negative form of cover?

What's the negative form of school?








What was one theme in Animal Farm? 

The main themes in Animal Farm are about the battle between the classes, how power makes good people become bad, and how a lie can become truth if leaders speak it to us. 


Describe the five kinds of characters in the game and talk about their role in the team for two of them. 

Wizards have to study magic for a long time and are physically weak. Their role is to protect the group from magic and magical creatures and solve magic puzzles. 

Fighters use weapons and are mentally weak. Their role is to stand in the front, do most of the fighting, and take most of the damage in a battle. 

Priests get magic from their god or goddess and follow their beliefs. Their role is to heal their teammates when they get hurt and give benefits to the group. 

Rogues are versatile and can use almost anything in the game. Their roles are to find and disarm traps, open locks, search for things, and scout ahead. 

Bards play an instrument to create magic which hurts and heals but they can also use weapons. Their role is to assist both the wizard and priest or to be both if the party doesn't have one. 


Report the mixed conditional question. 

"If you simply swam stronger (past condition), wouldn't you be swimming on the school swim team? (present result)", Jacob asked. 

Jacob asked if/whether I would have been swimming on the school swim team if I had simply swum stronger.


What was the main theme of your short story and how did you show this in the character's actions?

Varies by student


Define one of these words: 





Riparian buffer

Aquaduct: a system that allows running water in a city

Herbicide: a kind of poison that kills unwanted plants

Shipwrecked: when your ship crashes and you become stuck on an island

Lasso: a kind of knot you use to make a circle at the end of a rope for catching cows

Riparian buffer: a sort of barrier which separate the crops and farmland from rivers and lakes in order to protect them from predators and pests. 


Three main themes in the book, "Nothing" are escalation, nihilism, and existentialism. Explain them all. 

Escalation means to raise the level of an emotional situation to a negative degree. 

Nihilism is the belief that nothing matters. 

Existentialism accepts that while nothing matters externally, we can make our own meaning through our beliefs and actions. 


Get four correct to win: 

What's my middle name?

What's my favorite color?

Who's my favorite basketball team?

Where was I born?

What's my hobby? 

What 3 things make me angry?


Dark Blue


New York

Writing music

Disrespect, cheating, bullying