What 7 letters are not found in the double vowel writing system for Anishinaabemowin?
f, l, q, r, u, v, x
What do we NOT blow on smudge?
Only Gzhe-minidoo can blow life into things
What does "aaniish ezhiwebak gojiing noongom?" mean?
What is happening outside today?
What is the weather today?
What does "wagonen e-waabinda-man?" mean?
What did you see?
What does "wiisini" mean?
S/he is eating
How many vowels are in the double vowel writing system for Anishinaabemowin and what are they?
aa, ii, oo, e, a ,i ,o
Why do we give and receive asemaa in our left hands?
What's up?
How do you say "I see a tree" in Anishinaabemowin?
Mitig niwaabimaa
What is the prefix for the 3rd person?
There is no prefix
When making a yes/no question you have to add "na"
Where do you place "na" in the sentence?
"Na" should be placed after the first word in the sentence
Is Anishinaabemowin a verb-based langugae, yes or no?
Yes. That is why it is VERY important to learn verbs!
What does "enwek ni go?" mean?
How are you?
How o you say "I see grass" in Anishinaabemowin?
Miishikoonsan niwaabindaan
What does "biinchigewag" mean?
They are all cleaning
Think about your weather words. That might help.
-sii or -izinoo
Can Anishinaabemowin be easily translated into English most of the time, yes or no?
No. Anishinaabemowin is often too descriptive and to directly translate most things would either be too long or not make much sense
What does "aaniish ezhi-yaayan?" mean?
How are you feeling?
What does "aaniish minik gaa-mika-man?" mean?
How many did you find?
What is one of the suffixes for giinwaa (second person plural)
Who are the 7 persons we went over in class?
Niin, giin, wiin, wiinwaa, giinwaa, niinwind, giinwind
Asemaa (tobacco), shkob (cedar), mashkodewashk (sage), wiingashk (sweetgrass)
Mskwa (red), zaawaa (yellow), makadewaa (black), waabshkaa (white)
What does "aaniish ezhi-bmaadiziyan?" mean?
How is you life?
Translate the following: ingii-mikawaa niizhwaaswi bineshiinyag
I found 7 birds
What does "aaniish ezhichigeyan?" mean?
What are you doing?