The three elements of the rhetorical situation on which we focus.
What are purpose, audience, and occasion?
Fix the following list:
I have to feed my dogs, grade, and to wash my car.
Sample answer: I have to feed my dogs, to grade, and to wash my car.
The appropriate MLA text (font and size).
What is Times New Roman, size 12?
These are the two ways to identify passive voice.
What is when the actor and the subject are not the same, and when there is a form of the verb "to be" paired with a past participle?
The only time a citation goes outside of the end punctuation.
What is a long quote form?
The three types of purpose under which all writing will fit.
What are to entertain, to inform, and to persuade?
Fix the following list:
I am teaching you to make an outline, how to revise, and to cite.
Sample answer:
I am teaching you how to make an outline, how to revise, and how to cite.
This is what you capitalize in a title in MLA format.
What is the first letter of every significant word?
The eight forms of the verb: to be.
What is am, is, are, was, were, be, being, and been?
The list of sources at the end of an APA paper.
What is References?
The two questions you should ask when considering your audience.
What are:
-What do they know?
-What do they need to know?
Fix the following list:
I like reading, sleeping, and to walk my dogs.
Sample Answer: I like reading, sleeping, and walking my dogs.
What is the Works Cited page?
The verb most commonly confused with to be.
What is to have?
This is what you capitalize in a title in APA format.
What is only the first letter of the first word and any proper nouns?
The three elements of the rhetorical situation in your book which we are not studying.
What are stance, media/design, and genre?
Fix the following list:
The speech was clear, funny, and it taught the audience a lot.
Sample Answer:
The speech was clear, funny, and educational for the audience.
Sources in MLA format are put in this order.
What is alphabetically according to whatever appears first in the citation?
Correct the following sentence:
The game was made so the students would be prepared for the next week of class.
Sample Answer:
The professor made the game so the students would be prepared for the next week of class.
When you break down a sentence to its elements so that it can be understood.
What is parsing?
Occasion refers to this.
What is everything that is happening in the world that may affect how your audience receives your topic?
Fix the following list:
Exercising can give you more energy, improve your appearance, and people who exercise often live longer.
Sample Answer:
Exercising can give you more energy, improve your appearance, and extend your life.
MLA stands for this.
What is the Modern Language Association?
Correct the following sentence:
Although the students had been told they would have a debate, they were not told exactly when the debate would take place.
Sample Answer:
Although the professor had told the students they would have a debate, she had not told them when the debate would take place.
In APA format, this information belongs in the top right corner of every page.
What is the author's last name, an abbreviated version of the title, and the page number?