This film is based off star wars
What is Space Balls
"Alright Alright Alright" was made famous in this movie
What is Dazed and Confused
Alan creates this name for his group of hungover friends
What is the wolfpack
This film is made famous for the line "Youre killing me smalls"
What is the sandlot
Ron Burgundy is a local news anchor in this city
What is San Diego
This is the secret combination that is also commonly found on luggage
What is 1,2,3,4,5
What did Mac say to the college boys in Thorny's cruiser when he was pretending to steal the car?
What is "You boys like Mexico"
In this movie they are on the hunt for goldslick vodka
What is Superbad
Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson) and Ernie McKracken (Bill Murry) have a final bowling showdown in this movie
What is Kingpin
"This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient but I do love ____.
What are Fig Newtons
The history of the world teaches us the French use to play human versions of this game?
What is Chess
Foster had to say this 10 times to set a new record?
What is Meow
Billy Madison often drinks to much and visualizes this animal?
What is a Penguin
In a movie about the boring office life the guys beat up this typical office device over anger.
What is a printer
This is Zoolander's smoldering gaze
What is Blue Steel
It cost this much in tolls to take the Gov William J Le Petomane freeway
What is a dime
NPH makes guest appearances in this movie series
What is Harold and Kumar
In the final competition of "Das Boot" who is the anchor that helps them win?
Who is Fink
According to Richard (David Spade), Big Tom could sell something to a woman in white gloves. What was it
What is a ketchup popsicle
This is the alpacas name in Napoleon Dynamite
Who is Tina
This character said the line "Maybe, if you tell me the bad news in a good won't sound so bad."
Who is Prince John
Thurgood and friends start a weed delivery service named this?
What is Mr Nice Guy
Bluto chugs an entire bottle of this alcohol
What is Jack Daniels
Happy gets mad at this during his mini golf lesson
What is a clown
This musical duo of step brothers produced the hit single "Boats and Hoes"
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