
Lorraine was born in this city, just like her mother, Elizabeth, and Queen Elizabeth II.

What is London? (United Kingdom)


Between August 1973 and April 1974, Lorraine took care of this many children under the age of four. Yeesh, and I thought one was a handful...

What is three?


Lorraine met Barry while both were teaching at this school, where Lorraine later returned to complete her high-school teaching career. Go Spartans!

What is Forster?


To Sean, Laura, Diane, and Dana, Lorraine was this.

What is Mother-in-Law?


In 2016, Lorraine paired up with noted sharpshooter Barry to be crowned Royal Towers' Grand Champions of this outdoor bowling game of Italian origin.

What is bocce?


In 2016, Lorraine and Barry said "Aloha!" when they arrived at this island chain in the Pacific Ocean, and again when they left.

What is Hawaii?


Lorraine (and Barry) imparted the importance of education to her children, ultimately attending this many of their college graduations. It was probably enough.

What is eight?


During the 1980's Lorraine spent many spring evenings teaching an aerobics class in the gym at Hetherington Elementary School, with the slogan "Shape up for..." this.

What is summer?


Vic, Sienna, Neil, Kaitlyn, Ava, Zoey, and Jacob all called Lorraine this.

What is Nana?


In a characteristic attempt at both health and thrift, for many years Lorraine baked oats, grains, raisins and honey to make this breakfast cereal for the family.

What is granola?


Lorraine spent three months working as an au pair in this country, helping her learn a language that she later spent many years teaching.

What is France?


Lorraine played bridge for many years, but more recently also took up a card game of this many crowns.

What is five?


Lorraine's Friday night specialty was "Pizza Things" , which featured pizza toppings on a crust made from this traditional British breakfast food.

What are English Muffins?


According to her version of events, Lorraine's first marriage proposal was delivered by this person.

Who is herself? (to Barry)


For many years, Lorraine spent most Thursday mornings in the hospital, doing this.

What is volunteering?


In 2014, Lorraine and Barry checked out the fjords on a cruise to Alaska. A few years later, they cruised the fjords of this Southern Hemisphere country, home to 4 million people, and 25 million sheep.

What is New Zealand?


A record high temperature of 104 degrees occurred on the July day that Lorraine gave birth to this suave and stylish fourth child.

Who is Rob?


Lorraine graduated from this University, which confusingly lies to the East of Windsor.

What is Western? (University of Western Ontario)


While living in Florida in 1970, Lorraine gave birth to this handsome devil.

Who is David?


Lorraine was an avid reader, including mystery novels by authors such as Sue Grafton, Lilian Jackson Braun, and of course, this creator of Hercule Poirot.

Who is Agatha Christie?


Lorraine enjoyed visiting her Aunt Norah in this Southern California city, home to Coronado Island and Imperial Beach.

What is San Diego?


At 9 pounds 15 ounces, the delivery of this bundle of athleticism was one of Lorraine's most amazing feats.

Who is Jamie?


Well into retirement and into early 2024, Lorraine continued to teach in Florida, with this as her classroom--at least if the water was warm enough.

What is the pool? (at Royal Towers)


In 1973, Lorraine gave birth to her talented third child--"the responsible one"--largely responsible in fact, for organizing the event today.

Who is Kristyn?  [Round of applause]


As a child in Toronto, Lorraine had a pet that walked her to and from the streetcar she took to school every day. Her black French poodle was named this, after the colour, not the aircraft.

What is Jet?