How old is Emily?
11 years old
How many siblings does Khloe have?
Which lunch monitor was most people's favourite?
Name one board game you have in your class?
Is Rolling Meadows a Public School or a Catholic School?
Public School
How many siblings does Emily have?
What is Khloe's favorite subject in school?
Art or Gym
Which lunch monitor got banned from lunch monitoring because everyone was being to loud?
What game are we playing currently?
What time does school start and end at?
When is Emily's birthday?
July 8th, 2012
When is Khloe's birthday?
April 27th, 2012
What is the name of the lunch monitor that is Emily's sister?
Name three games we've played during break.
Spelling Bee, Wordle, Hang Man, Jeopardy, Pictionary
Who is the principle and vice principle?
Mrs. Lukawecky (principle) and Ms. Houle (vice principle)
What is Emily's middle name?
Is Khloe the ___ kid in her family?
-Second youngest
Who was the youngest lunch monitor?
What is the board game where you move across the board and land on squares that will determine your life (in the the game)?
The Game of Life
What year was Rolling Meadows built?
What is Emily's favourite movie/tv show?
a) Matilda
b) Young Sheldon
c) The Mandalorian
d) Home Alone
e) The Princess Switch
f) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stones
Young Sheldon
How tall is Khloe?
Name five people who have lunch monitored (other than Khloe and Emily)
Alexis, Callie, Ethan, Eva, Jackie, Jade, Kayla (Emily's sister) Mya, Quinton, Rowyn, Ryan, Xiyah, Zac R and Zoe.
What is a board game or card game that BOTH Emily and Khloe like?
Uno or Chess
How many staff is at Rolling Meadows?