Age of exploration
The people and the colonies of the new world.
American revolutionary War
The new American government
Expanding U.S

Conditions of the middle passage for enslaved people (Name 3)

No toilets, tightly packed (overcrowded), diseases, starvation, death, whipping


The act that lowered the tax on sugar and molasses

The Sugar Act


Events of the Battle of Long Island

GW and the continental army were badly defeated and forced out of NY.


The reason Washington was chosen to be first president.

The only one everyone trusted to not create another tyrannical/abusive government


 What purchase doubled the size of America and gave America access to New Orleans and the Mississippi.

The Louisiana purchase


European countries that led navigation and expansion of trade routes in the 1400s and 1500s.

Spain and Portugal

The rights of men stated by the Declaration of Indepdence. (give 4)

Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and abolish government if become abusive.


The reason the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the war.

The french officialy started to support America by sending troops, suplies, and a navy.


The way the issue of counting populations with slaves was resloved.

3/5th compromise

The three main objectives of the Lewis and Clark expedition.

 Finding the Northwest passage, informations on people, plants, animals, and geography, and to map land.


The three G's for explorers in the Age of Exploration 

Gold, Glory, God


Who were the Sons of Liberty?

 An organization of men who protested the Stamp Act. (Boston Tea Party)


The British's decision after the Battle of Yorktown.

They concluded that the battle was too costly and not worth the effort.
What the great compromise was. The person who came up with the great compromise. 
Robert Sherman created a bicameral legislature with one house based on states population, and another where all representation is equal.

The actions of the Barbary Pirates to America and where they lived.

Reponsible for attacking trade ships even after America paying tribute. Off the coast of North Africa.

The exchange of plants, animals, cultures, and diseases between the old world and the new world.

Columbian Exchange

What were the Coersive/ Intolerable Acts? (name 2)

Put in place to punish Bostonians for the Boston Tea Party, they closed the harbor, appointed a new government, started search and seizure, and started a military occupation.

The terms the British agreed on in the Treaty of Paris

U.S. recognized as independent nation, withdraw troops and give rights to fish in the waters off of Canada


The politcal parties that formed after Washington retired, their leaders, and what they belived in.

Federalists- strong national government (Hamilton) Democratic-republicans(anti-federalist)- limited fed. gov. and strong state government (Jefferson)


The poet who wrote The Star Spangled Banner.

Francis Scott Key


Why was the Ohio River Valley wanted by Britain and France? What war did this lead to? Who won?

-Trade with Native Americans

-French and Indian War

-Britain won

The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy (State 5)

Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca

The primary writers of the Declaration of Independence

-Thomas Jefferson

-James Maddison


The x,y,z affair, and what Adams told congress after.

A attempted negotiation between the French and Americans discussing the French seizure of ships that ended with the representators who demanded a bribe. Adams told congress to prepare for war.


The person who killed Alexander Hamilton

Aaron Burr