Coping Techniques
Healthy or Unhealthy?
Name 3 Symptoms of Anxiety

What is Heart Racing, Feeling of Fear, Perspiration, Shakiness, Shortness of Breath, Lightheadedness?


Describe the 5-5-5 technique for Anxiety.

What is a breathing technique that involves inhaling for 5 seconds, holding that breath for 5 seconds, and exhaling for 5 seconds?


Gene has a lot of stress from school. When he gets home, he yells at his brother to get his frustration out. Is this a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?

Unhealthy. Talking with someone is a great coping skill, but yelling can cause issues in your relationship with that person.

True or False: You can feel anxiety in both your body and mind. 

True! Anxiety can present in multiple ways, including physically and mentally.


True or False: Journaling will only force you to ruminate on your struggles and is not an effective coping skill. 

False! Journaling is a great way to express your thoughts without sharing them out loud and allows you to track any patterns of triggers or symptoms. It can also help document progress and areas of strengths or weaknesses. 


Louise gets into a fight with her mom. She decides to leave the situation and go for a walk. Is this a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?

Unhealthy. If Mary had communicated with her mom that she needed to take a step back and revisit the conversation later before leaving for her walk, this would have been a healthy coping skill.


True or False: Everyone worries about something at some point.

True! However, worry and anxiety are not the same. In the DSM-V, anxiety is defined as excessive worry and persistent fear that occurs more days than not for at least six months and interferes with daily activity. 


Describe the 5-4-3-2-1 technique for Anxiety.

What is a grounding technique where one identifies 5 things that can be seen, 4 things that can be touched, 3 things that can be heard, 2 things that can be smelled, and one thing that can be tasted?


Bob begins to feel overwhelmed while working on a homework assignment and notices his symptoms of anxiety onsetting. He decides to take a break and call a friend that he has been meaning to call. Is this a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?

Healthy. Talking to someone when symptoms arise is a great way to cope. The conversation doesn’t even have to be about anxiety!


Define the Difference Between Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Skills.

What is healthy coping strategies promote emotional well-being long term and unhealthy strategies can lead to more harm by only providing temporary relief?


True or False: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule can improve anxiety symptoms.

True! Studies have shown that individuals with irregular sleep schedules often report higher anxiety levels than those with regular sleep schedules. 

(, 2024)


After a long day of work, Tina goes home and finds herself thinking very negatively about herself and her work performance. She decides to come up with a list of good qualities that she believes she possesses and writes them on her bathroom mirror. Is this a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?

Healthy. Listing positive qualities is a great way to Challenge negative self-talk and promote self-love.