Name That Disorder
GUHSD History
Social Work Facts
What Should You Do?
Hodge Podge

  I feel down most of the time and have no interest in doing anything.  

I constantly feel tired.  

I often have thoughts of wanting to die.

What is Depression?


This school opened in 1911 and is the longest standing high school in AZ history.

What is Glendale High School?


She was the Mother of Social Work and won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Who was Jane Addams?


During a BID meeting, DCS wants sped placement for student.  What do you do?

What is...

Notify DCS that BID meetings are only for school placement.
Notify DCS that they can request sped testing once student enrolls in school.


Georgia is (directionally)             of Alabama

What is East


I have to do things a certain way and have to start over if my routine is interrupted.  

I become upset if I am not allowed to do my routine.  

I dwell on topics and have a hard time focusing.

What is OCD?


Name 5 CTE's that we offer students.

Culinary /Restaurant Management                 Hospitality and Tourism
Early Childhood Education/Education
Fire Sciences / Law Enforcement
Digital Photography/Film and TV
Accounting/Business Operations
Coding and Software Development
Entertainment Marketing/Professional Sales
Bioscience/Health Careers  Architectural/mechanical Drafting
Cabinet Making/Welding    Engineering Sciences
Production Stage Craft and Design


The number of CEU hours needed to maintain a SW License in AZ.

What is 30 CEU hours?


A teacher asks you to intervene with a discipline situation that is currently happening in the classroom.  What do you do?

What is...

Let the teacher know you will assist them with contacting the Dean since social workers don't address discipline directly.


This is the number on the Heinz ketchup bottle

What is 57?


I make repetitive clicking noises with my tongue and often shrug my right shoulder.  

I cant help it and don’t always realize I am doing this.

I tend to do it more when stressed or excited.

What is Tourette's?


Name 3 active board members in our district.

Pam Reiks

Natalie Veidmark

Laura Arita

Patti Husssey

Patty Kennedy


Females account for             % of all social workers. 

What is 83%


Grandmother is asking for counseling support for their grandchild.  But mother is guardian.  What do you do?

What is...

Talk to mom to get consent

Not talk to grandmother since she is not guardian and talk to mom for consent.


These months have 31 days

What is


I either will love or hate you and I have abandonment issues.  

If you do something to me that upsets me I will quickly become enraged.  

I have trouble maintaining relationships as I try to cling to you any means I can. 

I sometimes resort to threats of suicide to keep you in my life.

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?


The 1st Social Worker was hired to our district during this school year.

What is 1992-93 school year?


According to SSWAA, these are the 4 areas of practice/focus for school social work.

What are:

1. Home/School/community link
2. Ethical guidelines and educational policy.
3. Education rights and advocacy.
4. Data-based decision-making.


Two parents, divorced. The student needs counseling but 1 parent does not consent to therapy for their child.  What do you do?

* Have a meeting with both parents to help them see the importance of counseling for child.

* Determine if joint custody, sole custody to see who has decision-making power.

* If no agreement is made, then social worker cannot see the student for counseling.


How many claps are there in the Friends theme song?


 I jump when I hear loud noises.  

I do not like being touched and need to sit in the back of a room as I cant have anyone sitting behind me.  

I have nightmares at night and what feels like a panic attack at random times in a week.

What is PTSD?


This is GUHSD's Mission Statement

What is "To Empower All Students for the Choices and Challenges of the Twenty-first Century."


This university taught the 1st social work class in 1898.

What is Columbia University?


A co-worker comes to you for their own mental health counseling needs.   What do you do?

* Gently explain that you cannot be their counselor or help with their issues as it is out of the scope of your expertise.

* Give them referrals to outside therapists.

* Give them our district EAP phone number.


How many dots are there in a pair of dice?

What is 42?