If You Take Medication For Anxiety Or Depression, Talk Therapy Isn’t Needed.
MYTH: Different psychological and emotional difficulties respond differently to various treatments and finding the right combination of treatments can be a long battle of trial and error. The American Psychological Association recommends a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) along with antidepressant or anti-anxiety medications as the most effective (and backed by science) approach to treating anxiety and depression.
What is the definition of depression?
A clinically concerning level of feelings of sadness, changes in mood and behavior over two consecutive weeks, interfering with life function.
Some symptoms of this disorder include sweating, trembling, sense of dread, breathing rapidly, and an increase in heart rate...
Panic Disorder
What animal, other than humans, use a form of voting to make decisions (i.e., which direction to travel in).
African Buffaloes.
Turns out, Democracy isn’t just a human behavior. Animals take part in it as well! The African buffalo is one of the animals most well-known for using a voting tactic to make travel decisions.
African buffalo herds actually use a form of voting when trying to decide which direction to travel in. One at a time, adult females will stand up and look in a certain direction before sitting down. Whichever direction gets the most amount of looks is typically where the herd travels.
Interestingly, if the vote is divided, the herd will actually split up temporarily. Only the adult females are allowed a vote, regardless of social status within the herd.
What is the definition of insomnia?
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. It also can cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. You may still feel tired when you wake up. Insomnia can drain your energy level and affect your mood
Children don't experience mental health issues.
MYTH: Even very young children may show early warning signs of mental health concerns. These mental health conditions are often clinically diagnosable and can be a product of the interaction of biological, psychological, and social factors.
Half of all mental health disorders show first signs before a person turns 14-years-old, and three-quarters of mental health disorders begin before age 24.
Unfortunately, only half of children and adolescents with diagnosable mental health conditions receive the treatment they need. Early mental health support can help a child before problems interfere with other developmental needs.
Which group of people has rapidly increasing cases of depression?
Adolescents and young adults
What is the most common type of depression?
Major Depressive Disorder
What is a coping strategy when you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed?
How many hours of sleep is ideal for an adult?
7-9 hours/night
Prevention of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders focuses on addressing known risk factors such as exposure to trauma that can affect the chances that children, youth, and young adults will develop mental health problems.
What does SAD stand for?
Seasonal Affective Disorder
These disorders are characterized by excessive fear and worry and related behavioral disturbances. Symptoms are severe enough to result in significant distress or significant impairment in functioning.
Anxiety Disorders
What is the most addictive and widely used drug in the world today?
True or False: Oneirophobia is the fear of nightmares or dreams
Adolescents who get good grades and have a lot of friends will not have mental health conditions because they have nothing to be depressed about.
Myth: Oftentimes people with mental health disorders hide what they are going through by putting up a facade therefore it is hard to realize if people are going through a tough time. - 80% of teens are sleep deprived - Feel pressured at home/school or by standards in general - Can smile and act like everything is ok yet still have damaging habits
What is the best treatment for Major Depressive Disorder with Psychosis
Antipsychotic medications
This disorder is characterized by depression and anxiety and can include flashbacks. It is common for victims of crimes or individuals who are in the military.
This technique of treatment was given to "difficult to treat patients." It consisted of unsterile equipment inserted through an eye socket, swirled around to "disable" the front lobe.
Lobotomy--this is no longer used
Ideally, falling asleep should take you how many minutes?
10-15 minutes
Members of the LGBTQ community are twice as likely as straight individuals to have a mental health condition.
Which medication has the best evidence for preventing suicide in patients with bipolar disorder?
True or False: 280 million people currently live with depression
The abbreviation of DSM stands for... (DSM is the book that lists and explains all mental health conditions and diagnoses).
Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
Good sleep can aid in the reduction of what disorders? (one answer is fine!)
Good sleep supports your brain performance and mood and can decrease your risk for many diseases and disorders, like stroke, obesity, and dementia.