Early Intervention
Theories and Frames of Reference
Primitive Reflexes

Early intervention services are typically carried out in the client's:

What is home?


In special education, FAPE stands for:

What is a Free and Appropriate Public Education?


The bigger picture or overarching theme to models and frames of reference?

What is a theory?


In the very infantile stages, a baby will open its mouth and turn their face toward the side to reflexively to receive and eat food when you stroke their cheek .

What is the Rooting reflex?


A top-down evaluation approach highlights the significance of:

What is occupation?


The Early Intervention model where one service provider is primary and provides consulting and other team members serve as consultants is referred to as:

What is the coaching model?


A child with a disability who is not eligible for special education under IDEA may be eligible for services under:

What is Section 504?


According to Mosey, the concern/problem area of the frame of reference is:

What is the function/dysfunction continua?


The positive response of finger flexion is...

What is the Palmar Reflex?


Standardized assessments can be:

What is norm- or criterion-referenced?


Early Intervention services provide the development of an Individualized Family Service Plan within how many days of the initiating referral?

What is 45?


This mandate requires that students with disabilities receive their educational program, including all their academic and related services, with children who are not disabled to the maximum extent appropriate:

What is Least Restrictive Environment?


According to the Intentional Relationship Model, effective therapeutic use of self is not possible until one learns:

What is self-awareness?


Holding a child prone and held in space, or in suspension, is the evaluating position for what reflex?

What is the Landau reflex?


The first step in the occupational therapy evaluation process is:

What is the occupational profile?


Under IDEA, Part B is a mandate while Part C is an:

What is entitlement?


This legislation requires that states and public educational agencies provide a free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities in the least restrictive environment:

What is IDEA?


In the occupational therapy discipline, the following are used to collectively determine successful client-centered and occupation-based treatment outcomes:

What are theories, models of practice, and frames of reference?


When a child is in the quadruped position, bending their head down may elicit a positive response of arms flexing and legs extending (increasing tone) for which reflex?

What is the STNR?


During the what phase of the evaluation does the therapist synthesize information from the profile and the client's performance to determine the nature and scope of services?

What is the interpretation phase?


Under IDEA, Part C provides an IFSP while Part B provides:

What is an IEP?


This state-led initiative was directed by state governors and state educational commissioners to guide educational outcomes for all students, including those with disabilities:

What are Common Core Standards?


According to Mosey, the postulate of change component includes:

What is the therapist relies on all outcomes prior to any change in order to make informed decisions?


The asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) contributes to the functional development of muscle tone, consistent one-sided movements, and hand-eye coordination.  Its stimulus is ?

What is the head being turned to one side?


A tool or procedure used to collect information about the child, their occupations, their performance skills and patterns, their client factors and their environment.

What is an assessment?