Travel Treasures
Remarkable Ancestries
Category: Career Beginnings
After Siteline I want to Retire here..
Favorite Movies!

This Andalusian city, famous for flamenco, Gothic architecture, and vibrant festivals, is a beloved travel destination. 

a) Madrid
b) Barcelona
c) Seville
d) Valencia

c) What is Seville?

In Seville, even the oranges have a story to tell.


Growing up in a large family, with a specific number of 7 sisters and 2 brothers, provides a dynamic and lively upbringing. What is the sibling count? 

a) 3 siblings
b) 5 siblings
c) 7 siblings
d) 9 siblings

d) What are 9 siblings?

Every family dinner must have been a full-scale event!


The profession involving early mornings and a swift bicycle, often associated with the distribution of daily news, describes the first job of someone who once navigated suburban streets delivering information.

a) Printing newspapers
b) Delivering newspapers
c) Cleaning streets
d) Distributing flyers


b) What is delivering newspapers?

It's a job that perfectly combines early rising with athletic prowess.


According to AARP, this state is the most common for people to retire to. 

a) Florida

b) California

c) Iowa

d) Arizona  

a) What is Florida?

People like to retire in Florida because they heard it's the best state to practice their shuffleboard skills and avoid shoveling snow ever again!


Flick is an inventive ant who's always messing things up for his colony in this 1998 Pixar Film. 

a) Toy Story 3

b) A Bugs Life


d) Space Jam

b) What is Bug's Life? 


The historic capital of England, known for its rich history and iconic landmarks like Big Ben, is a favorite travel destination. 

a) New York City
b) London
c) Sydney
d) Rome

b) What is London?

London – where the past and present walk hand in hand.


This branch of the military, known for its rigorous training and discipline, was the career choice for both parents in her particularly structured household.

a) Navy
b) Air Force
c) Marines
d) Army

d) What is the Army?

Household rules probably included “lights out” and “fall in.”


In maritime environments, this job involves a significant amount of soap and scrubbing, often passed down in families. Which job fits this description?

 a) Shipbuilding
b) Lifeguarding
c) Washing boats
d) Deep-sea fishing

What is washing boats?

Family bonding over soap suds and seaweed; a unique childhood memory  


In what year did Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. first open to the public? 

a) 1971

b) 1960

c) 2005

d) 1975

a) What is 1971? 

When Walt Disney World opened on October 1, 1971, it featured just one theme park, Magic Kingdom.  


This actor starred in a TV show called Home Improvement and played Simba in the Lion King.

a) Tim Allen

b) Jonathan Taylor Thomas 

c) Justin Bieber

d) Justin Timberlake 

b) Jonathan Taylor Thomas 


This small Texan town, noted for an annual festival celebrating a certain slithering reptile, makes for an unusual travel highlight. 

a) Austin
b) Sweetwater
c) Houston
d) Dallas

b) What is Sweetwater?

Where rattlesnake roundups are just part of the local charm.


"Baby Got Back" created by this famous figure in the music industry, specifically one known for iconic hip-hop tracks, reveals an interesting ancestral tidbit.

a) Heavy D
b) Sir Mix A Lot
c) Jeadon
d) Club foot Joe

b) Who is Sir Mix A Lot?

Mixing music with family ties the ultimate remix.


Which service industry job involves significant multitasking, balancing plates, and dealing with a variety of customers, often in a restaurant setting?

a) Retail associate
b) Waitressing
c) Fast food worker
d) Bartending  

b) What is waitressing?

A true test of agility and charm, dealing with both happy and "hangry" customers.


This country is home to the headquarters of Nintendo. 

a) China 

b) United States of America

c) Japan 

d) Taiwan 

c) What is Japan? 


“Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get” is quote from which 1994 film. 

a) Saving Private Ryan

b) Forrest Gump

c) Cast Away

d) Catch me if you can

b) What is Forrest Gump?


Known for its magical theme parks and family-friendly attractions, this city is synonymous with fun and fantasy. 

a) Las Vegas
b) Orlando
c) New Orleans
d) Honolulu

b) What is Orlando?

Where dreams come true, and every visit feels like a little too long...


DAILY DOUBLE! The surname that carries regal connotations in a foreign land, often linked with royalty, suggests a distinguished heritage. 

a) High

b) Zaragoza

c) VanBeest

d) Boline

b) What is Zaragoza?

I am not positive this is a fact, but I had 3 people tell me this. 


What is an individual that tests software for bugs, errors, defects or any problem that can affect the performance of computer software or an application.

a) Software tester

b) Systems Development

c) Software Engineering 

d) Computer Bug Exterminator

a) What is a Software Tester? 


This South American country has an invasion of hippos due to Pablo Escobar? 

a) Egypt

b) Columbia

c) Brazil

d) Argentina 

b) What is Columbia?

Pablo Escobar, the infamous Colombian drug lord, imported four hippos to his private zoo in the 1980s. After his death, the hippos were left to roam freely and have since multiplied to around 100, making them one of the largest invasive species populations in Colombia. They are sometimes referred to as "cocaine hippos."


This 2001 film starring Vin Diesel popularized street racing. 

a) Need for Speed

b) Crash

c) Taxi

d) Fast & the Furious

d) What is the Fast & the Furious? 

I think they are on like the 21st installment. 


Renowned for its stunning granite cliffs and giant sequoia trees, this national park is a picturesque escape into nature. 

a) Grand Canyon
b) Yosemite
c) Niagara Falls
d) Yellowstone

b) What is Yosemite?

Yosemite a place where nature’s beauty is larger than life.

Famous American musician, record producer, and Uncle of beloved Siteline employee Lindsey Buckingham is a member of what Old School Band? 

a) Pink Floyd

b) Fleetwood Mac

c) The Beatles

d) Eagles  

b) What is Fleetwood Mac?


This word comes from Italy, where it means a male or female "bartender" who typically works behind a counter, serving hot drinks (such as espresso), cold alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and snacks.

a) Bartender

b) Barber

c) Barista

d) Baker

c) What is Barista?


his US city boasts the first public college, museum and playhouse. 

a) Chicago, IL.

b) Los Angeles, CA.

c) Columbia, SC.

d) Charlston, SC.

d) What is Charlston, South Carolina? 


In this 1987 film Goldie Hawn plays a snobbish and wealthy character who falls off her yacht and suffers amnesia. 

a) A Clock Work Orange

b) Titanic

c) 50 First Dates

d) Overboard 

d) What is Overboard? 

In the 1987 film Overboard, the yacht used in the movie belonged to Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn in real life.