Harry Potter
Galati Family Knowledge
Movie Quotes
Board Games

Winner of the House Cup in Sorcerer's Stone.

Who is Gryffindor?


Movie that includes sisters Drizella & Anastasia.

What is Cinderella?


Papa's favorite football team.

Who is BYU?


Frozone's exclamatory question to his wife in search of an important clothing item.

What is "where's my super suit"?


Named after one of the 7 deadly sins, push your luck in this dice game.

What is Greed?


The words used to Dua Lipa an item into the air.

What is "Wingardium Leviosa" 


Lover of warm hugs, summer, and the beach.

Who is Olaf?


Two favorite rides for Nana located in The Happiest Place On Earth.

What are Toy Story Mania, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, and/or The Haunted Mansion. 


Yzma's falling cry before having a swim with some crocodiles in her lair.

What is "wrong leverrrr"?


A game where speed is king and getting stuck with a stack of addons is devastating.

What is Galati UNO?


The innocent Killing Curse casualty during an alchemical rebirth ritual in Little Hangleton.

Who is Cedric Diggory?


Popular Sir co-composer of the music for the film about a young animal finding his way through life after witnessing the death of this father.

Who is Elton John?


The couple who's celebration of union included umbrella toothpicks and a performance of haka.

Who is April & Bill?


Activating phrase for an aid to magical mischief-makers presented by Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.

What is "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"?


Tricking the town to vote against you. You take someone with you if you are lynched.

What is the Joker role in Galati Mafia?


Each of the children in the red-haired family of The Burrow.

Who is Bill (William), Charlie (Charles), Percy, Fred, George, Ron (Ronald), and Ginny (Ginevra) Weasley?


Plans for this self-given birthday present included wiping out a village until the leader started on a new groove in life and changed his mind.

What is Kuzcotopia?


The merging year that started an eternal journey which has called places like Utah, California, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina home.

What is 1978?


Phrase said while tapping your heels and closing your eyes to find your way back to bed.

What is "there's no place like home"?


Earl Marshal, Baroness, and Seamstress; respectively.

What are the 3, 4, and 7 cards in The Great Dalmuti?


Full names of the founders of "the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry"; along with the most notorious and troublesome poltergeist that came with the building.

Who is Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, and Peeves?


The name and year of the very first feature-length animated film coming from The Walt Disney Company.

What is 1937's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?


The person and firearm that almost caused FIKER 1's untimely demise in Pennsylvania.

Who is Austin with a shotgun?


What our friendly neighborhood spider said to his mentor as a result of a monumental change to our universe.

What is "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good"?


The second one played wins this epic battle of creatures in this Skull King trick.

What happens when the Kraken and White Whale are played in the same trick of Skull King?