Which is usually your family name, first or last?
Your last name is your family name. (usually)
Should Hawaya be a roofer?
Absolutely NOT!
I enjoy to work/working with children. Which is correct?
Who might say this: "Brush twice a day."
A dentist
Where can you go to watch a movie?
What are the short forms for avenue and street?
Ave. and St.
What do you call a person who gives you help finding a job?
An employment counsellor.
Which is the gerund? working/to work
floor, hands, garbage
If you lie about missing work it is called an...
Your appointment is _____ Wednesday _____ 4 PM. What small words go in these blanks?
You need a S.I.N. to work in Canada. What does that stand for?
Social Insurance Number
Working/to work One is a gerund, what is the other format called?
The infinitive.
Jin Soo's listening strategy had three parts: Ask, _____, and use. What was the middle part?
When was Juneteenth?
June 19th
Give the correct order of letters and numbers in a Canadian postal code.
Capital letter, number, Capital letter, space, number, Capital letter, number
What's the opposite of a regular schedule?
A flexible schedule. (or variable or changing)
"Do your homework." "Pleas be quiet." "No smoking." What is the grammatical term for these commands?
They are imperatives.
If you are told to "get rid of" something, what should you do with it?
Throw it in the garbage.
What were the names of the guy and girl who liked each other in the video about future plans?
John and Sally
What phrases go into these blanks? __________ a form, __________ a blank.
Fill out and fill in.
Where can you find an office where they help you find work in Calgary?
Downtown near Bow Valley College.
What are four ways to speak or write in future tense?
"Will," "Going to," Simple Present tense, Present continuous tense.
Name two "front of house" staff in a restaurant.
How much did Dave pay for his first car?