Famous faces
Hometown glory
Parents and pawrents
Work life before (and maybe after!) FRWD
Freaky FRWD

This newly minted AP's hometown is Messina, home of home of Neptune's Fountain. Word on the street is he may be storing some of his electric guitars there.

Who is Gio?


In what may be the least 'sexy' feedback received, this FRWD team member was once asked to practice his small talk.

Who is Cooper?


This FRWD team member spent 9 months in a random factory site in Dusseldorf. TBH, that has Got2B quite XTreme

Who is Brad?


No--this isn't Rona and Amy--but they do share a Stark resemblance to these two characters from Game of Thrones.

Who are Sansa and Arya Stark?


This proud mum is teaching Helene Alexandra 3 languages: dutch; italian; and english.

Looks like we'll have another staffable Italian speaker soon soon!

Who is Natasha?


This team member's name confused a client receptionist upon arrival. He thought she simply abbreviated 'Monday' and 'Tuesday' in his native language.

Who is Mo Di?


King Kong ain't got S--- on this guy. Both Etienne and Adam would choose this thespian to play them in their biopics.

Who is Denzel Washington?

Camden. The birthplace of bouncy castles, Mary Shelley, Dua Lipa and this father of 2.

Who is Pat?


Sacre Bleu! The Legend of this league's first job was making chicken at KFC.

Who is Etienne?


This Toronto native was asked if she was a 'party gurrrlllll' in a thick french accent.

Who is Alee?


Great wingman? Or ultimate blocker? Word on the street is Cooper randomly showed up to one of Nico's dates and hyped him up. These are the number of dates Nico scored as a follow up.

What is ZERO?