Complete (voc)
Complete (1 word)
Complete (form)
Make a sentence

 Don’t forget to take that shirt __________ to the shop. You need a smaller size.



1 My drawing is worst / worse than yours. 

2 I’ve yet / just finished reading the new best-selling book by Maya Linnet

1 worse 

2 just


1 If you were my neighbour, I __________ be very happy. 

2 We’ll finish as quickly __________ we can.

1 would/’d 

2 as


1 Blanca _______________ (write) an important email at the moment. 

2 Ed _______________ (work) in a pet shop before he became a vet.

1 is writing 

2 worked


coat is this yours ?

Is this coat yours?


Ellie wants to get __________. She’s going swimming twice a week



1 Don’t drink too many / too much coffee in the afternoon, you won’t sleep. 

2 You mustn’t / don’t have to hold the spider if you don’t want to

1 too much 

2 don’t have to


1 Sachin has had piano lessons __________ several years. 

2 A I can’t play a musical instrument. B __________ can I.

1 for 

2 Neither


1 That’s a surprise! Eloise _______________ (not wear) jeans today. 

2 I _______________ (clean) the kitchen if you do the vacuuming upstairs.

1 isn’t wearing 

2 ’ll clean


you we get a taxi think do think should ?

Do you think we should get a taxi?


Christine has gone __________ for the weekend. I think she’s gone camping with Ann.



1 Justin doesn’t do enough / too exercise. He’s a bit overweight. 

2 Let’s turn off the TV. There’s anything / nothing interesting to watch.

1 enough 

2 nothing


1 He said he __________ want to come because the cinema was too expensive. 

2 A __________ I turn on the radio? It’s very quiet in here. B Yes, please. That’s a good idea.

1 didn’t 

2 Shall


1 Jeremy _______________ (not call) me back last night; I expect he forgot. 

2 _______________ you ever _______________ (lend) money to a friend?

1 didn’t call 

2 Have … lent


usually does Michael get work how to ?

How does Michael usually get to work?


1 Can I drop you __________ at the cinema? I’m driving to town now. 

2 Have you ___________ a signal on your phone? I haven’t.

1 off 

2 got


1 Swimming / Swim in the sea is a wonderful experience. 

2 You don’t have to / should tell your father how you feel. I’m sure he’ll understand. 

3 We might / must get tickets for the concert – it depends on the price.  

1 Swimming 

2 should 

3 might


1 A Cora will be here in 15 minutes and I haven’t tidied the flat yet. B Don’t worry. I’ve __________ tidied the kitchen. I did it this morning. Let’s tidy the living room together. 

2 It isn’t easy __________ learn a new language

1 already 

2 to  


1 Their star player _______________ (not train) at the moment. He’s hurt. 

2 We _______________ (find) a lost phone in college last week. 

3 He _______________ (not be) ready when we arrived, so we had to wait.

1 isn’t training 

2 found 

3 wasn’t


use where you live to did ?

Where did you use to live?


1 Go ___________ of this building and over the bridge. 

2 I’m ___________ in science, particularly chemistry. It’s my favourite subject.

1 out 

2 interested


1 If I were you, I won’t / wouldn’t stay in that stressful job for very long. 

2 I don’t know somebody / anyone who has a phobia. 

3 Five minutes later / next, Daniel walked into the room.

1 wouldn’t 

2 anyone 

3 later


1 Did you __________ to like PE at school? 

2 A Is this Tarik’s notebook? I found it in the library. B No, it’s __________. I left it there this morning. Thank you.

1 use 

2 mine


1 The dishwasher _______________ (invent) by an American woman. 

2 I’ve checked the forecast and it _______________ (not rain) tomorrow. 

3 I went back to sleep because I _______________ (wake up) too early.

1 was invented 

2 isn’t going to rain 

3 had woken up


1 wants do the washing-up who to? 

2 the flight long is going take to how ? 

1 Who wants to do the washing-up? 

2 How long is the flight going to take?