Famous Faculty Flamouts
The Best Laid Plans. . .
Teachers' Pets
Extraordinary Exits
Don't Let the Door . . .

My tears ran up and down the halls of First Mitchell.  I didn't make it through my first year. 

Nancy Ann Little


This summer program for Chinese students lasted two years. 


I excelled at Physics, but I'm most known for my parents' crepes.  

Vincent Hickl


We were trying to use our science skills and ferment our own alcohol in Anderson.  It didn't go so well.  (Answer with a student name or the nick name of this group).  

The Brew Crew


I threw burritos at passersby.  

JP Luster


I peaced out midyear.  During COVID.  As the Dean of Students.  

Ben Williamson


This plan to manage the deer population on campus did not play well with some faculty members--or Karen Chavez.  

Bow Hunters


I really like Physics, too.  But I also taught Calculus virtually when the school was in a pinch.  

Erik Davies


I spent a weekend in Atlanta on a "college visit." I returned after lights, but got caught sneaking through the Lawrence garage to get back on dorm.  

Do Hee Kim


I'm a former administrator who made Anna Ranson, Mary Elizabeth Martin, and Helen Plaehn cry.  

Dan Seiden


I cuffed my pants, eschewed dorm duty, taught remotely, and enjoyed my Head-of-School-approved four day weekends.  

Andrew Rikard


I took a five-week trip around the world without informing my Head of School of my absence.  

Watson Jordan


I really like Physics, too, but I moved to France to smoke cigarettes and become a novelist.  

Ian Van Wye


I plagiarized my entire convo talk about an alien meeting an earthling.  

Nate Shepherd

Ms. Kern wished my grandmother a happy birthday.  Too bad granny was in on my lie to get out of the new student camping trip.  

Phillip Ratinger


I went on the lam with the wife of an Asheville School colleague (and administrator).  

Susan White


We had every detail of our European trip with students planned.  We even packed our passports. Too bad they were the expired ones.   

Trey and Sarah Wilson


I really like Physics. This past year I couldn't put down my demo book on Oppenheimer.  

Jack Pan


After I was dismissed, I disguised myself with a woman's wig  to drive back on campus to replenish the Lawrence boys' stash.  

Dave Newman


So much for being a dorm parent. I supplied weed and alcohol to the boys on my hall.  

Christian Gill


I once gave a chapel talk without any prep and pretended to read off a blank piece of paper.  I also overslept for the DC trip, and the Head of School awakened me (and my lady friend).  

Elijah Weeks


The Head of School gave me permission to speak to the student body about the importance of not texting and driving. I spoke for two hours. It was rough.  

Gary Dickinson


Present company excluded, name FIVE Asheville School Alums who have returned to work here.  

Maggie Ruch Frelinghuysen, Anthony Sgro

Hannah Bonner, Carl Boland

Van Kussrow, Erik Davies, Trey Wilson


I signed out to go to my grandmother's house for the weekend. Imagine my chagrin when she showed up on campus with a picnic for me, while I was down by the river in a van, getting high with my boyfriend.  

Kaitlyn McIlvane


We vaped so much it set off the fire alarm, causing octogenarians to be evacuated from the Montreat Inn.  (two names for credit)

Sean Wrinkle and Hank Kane