When is Charming's Birthday?
November 5
What is Charming & Nee's IG name?
When is Nee's Birthday?
December 4
How tall is Charming?
6 ft 1 in
When did Charming & Nee became "official"?
Need Month, Date & Year.
April 18, 2023
What is Nee's favorite rolls?
Name all Charming's siblings in order from oldest to youngest.
Peter, Danny, Andrew & Johnny
When did Charming & Nee reconnected?
Bonus $100 : Where?
July 11, 2023
Name all Nee's siblings from oldest to youngest.
Honey, Amy, Ashley, Nancy & Kevin.
What is Charming's full name? Including Hmong name.
Peter Tub Vang
How did Charming & Nee first met?
Through Haiv Thao at J4 Tournament in 2013.
What is Nee's full name? Including hmong name.
Honey Dejntxhee Yang
What is Charming's most favorite food?
How did Charming ask Nee out?
Musical Box, Georgia Song with a match box asking "Will you be my girlfriend?"
Happened after Nee made a fancy dinner for Charming.
If Nee can go to one restaurant for the rest of her life, where? And what will she be ordering?
Destiny Cafe
Padthai Pork Belly Small Noodles, Spice - Medium