The person you can talk to about a sin or transgression
Who is the Bishop
The person you call when you have extra Dodger tickets
Who is the Bishop
This group can help prepare your family history names for temple ordinances
Who is the Temple/Family History Committee, which includes youth representatives.
This is who you contact & how when there is an emergency in the area (natural disaster)
Who is RS/EQ presidents
Ministering Bro/Sis
By text, if possible, as phone lines become overloaded quickly. This reserves phone lines for 9-1-1 calls
This is the reason why Bishop is unavailable to chat on Wednesday evenings.
What is Wednesday night youth activities
This is where you look to find your ward building cleaning assignment
The ward bulletin
DAILY DOUBLE: The group primarily responsible for teaching children about baptism/youth about going to the temple
Who is the family
Who I turn to for help strengthening Come Follow Me study at home
Who is RS/EQ presidents
The person who conducts the first part of your interview to renew your temple recommend
Who is a member of the bishopric
The person you can contact when you have health related concerns or need a blessing.
Who is my ministering brother/sister
What you can do if you have a question about policies/procedures
What is the handbook online/ on Gospel Library available to everyone
When you notice a need for temporal support, you can contact this person first.
Who is RS/EQ presidents