Mr. Riley's favorite color is this.
What is grey?
This is the name for the longest day of the year
What is the Summer solstice?
Ms. Liz's favorite color is this
What is pink?
This title is given to a student who has gone to Walsingham from kindergarten to 12th grade
What is a Lifer?
Mr. Lincoln's favorite color is this
What is blue?
This type of food is Mr. Riley's favorite
What is Chinese food?
This place is characterized as the hottest place in the US
What is Death Valley, California?
Who is Ms. Liz's sibling that works here
What is Ms. Anne?
This staff member has been working at Walsingham the longest
Who is Coach D?
Mr Lincoln goes to this local university
What is CNU?
Mr. Riley has this many siblings
What is 4?
This month is named after Julius Caesar
What is July?
Ms. Liz goes to this purple and orange university in South Carolina
What is Clemson?
Walsingham is this religion
What is Catholic?
Mr. Lincoln has this many siblings
What is 1?
Mr. Riley went to this esteemed Ivy League college
What is Harvard?
These three zodiac signs are the signs for summer
What is Cancer, Leo, and Virgo?
This type of food is Ms. Liz's favorite
What are tacos?
Walsingham was founded in this year
What is 1947?
Mr. Lincoln is this many years old
What is 21?
Mr. Riley is this many years old
What is 21?
This was invented in the 1870s to be used as a pie plate, now it just gets tossed around
What is a frisbee?
What is 20?
Walsingham is this type of school
What is Sisters of Mercy?
This type of food is Mr. Lincoln's favorite
What is Thai food?