What does NHS stand for?
National Health Service
Which life stage starts at the age of 19?
Which organ removes waste products from the blood and produces urine?
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
How many chest compressions a minute should you make in a minute?
How many job roles are available in NHS?
More than 350.
Which stage of human development start at the age of 9?
Which is the strongest and biggest bone in the human body?
What does HASAWA stand for?
Health and Safety at Work Act
What is the ratio of chest compressions to breath?
When was NHS established?
How many live birth were recorded in England and Wales in 2022?
How many times does an adult person's heart beat a day on average?
100 000
What does CQC stand for?
Care Quality Commision.
What does ABC of the first aid mean?
Airways, Breathing, circulation
How many people are employed by NHS in the UK? (+/- 50, 000)
Over 1.5 million
At what age does later adulthood start?
On average, how much saliva (in litres) does an adult person's mouth produce a day?
1 litre
Wht does OFSTED stand for?
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills.
At suspected stroke advice is to act FAST. What does FAST stand for?
Face, Arms, Speech, Time
On average, how many people visit A&E every day in England?
Coordination is a part of which skills?
(Gross) motor skills.
How many bones are in human body?
What does EHCP stand for?
Education and Health Care Plan
How long should you run cold water over children's burns?
20 minutes.