Social Justice
Cultural Competency
Cultural Bias

This term refers to the variety of differences among people, including race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, and other attributes.

What is diversity?


This term means receiving fair treatment and equal benefit from the law by addressing and rectifying systemic and historical disadvantages that affect certain groups, as Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms outlines. 

What is Equality?


This term refers to providing tailored resources and opportunities to ensure fair treatment and outcomes for all individuals.

What is equity?


This term describes the practice of making sure all individuals, regardless of their differences, are fully integrated and valued in society.

What is inclusion?


his term refers to the unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power over marginalized groups.

What is oppression?


This term describes the pursuit of a fair and just society, where all individuals have equitable access to resources and opportunities.

What is social justice?


This term refers to the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people from various cultural backgrounds.

What is cultural competency?


This term refers to the tendency to interpret and judge phenomena by standards inherent to one's own culture.

What is Cultural Bias?


This Canadian city is often referred to as one of the most diverse cities in the world, with over 140 spoken languages.

What is Toronto?


This 2016 Canadian act expanded human rights protections to include gender identity and gender expression.

What is Bill C-16?


This Canadian program aims to support women, Indigenous peoples, and other underrepresented groups in obtaining equitable employment.

What is Employment Equity?


This Canadian campaign promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life.

What is the Rick Hansen Foundation?


This act, passed in 1876, is a key piece of Canadian legislation that has historically oppressed Indigenous peoples.

What is the Indian Act?


This 2015 Canadian report issued 94 calls to action to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance social justice for Indigenous peoples.

What is the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report?


This Canadian framework provides guidelines for delivering health services that are culturally appropriate and respectful.

What is the Cultural Safety Framework?


This type of bias can occur in Canadian media when certain cultural groups are underrepresented or misrepresented.

What is media bias?


This national day in Canada, celebrated on February 15th, acknowledges the contributions and histories of African Canadians.

    • What is Black History Month?


This Canadian Supreme Court case in 1995 affirmed the right to equal access to healthcare for all citizens.

This Canadian Supreme Court case in 1995 affirmed the right to equal access to healthcare for all citizens.


This principle was central to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action, aiming to address historical injustices against Indigenous peoples.

    • What is equitable reconciliation?


This Canadian policy supports the idea that all students, including those with special needs, should learn together in mainstream classrooms.

What is inclusive education?


This landmark report from 1996 highlighted systemic oppression faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada and called for widespread reforms.

What is the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples?


This Canadian social justice advocate and former Supreme Court Justice chaired the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Who is Justice Murray Sinclair?


This training program helps Canadian public servants develop the skills needed to work effectively in diverse cultural settings.

What is intercultural competence training?


This Canadian report highlighted how systemic bias in policing disproportionately affects Black and Indigenous communities.

What is the Ontario Human Rights Commission's report on racial profiling?


This 1988 Canadian law officially recognizes the multicultural heritage of Canadians and supports the preservation of diverse cultures.

What is the Canadian Multiculturalism Act?


This Canadian holiday, celebrated on December 10th, marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

What is Human Rights Day?


This Canadian act, passed in 1998, aims to ensure that employment opportunities are distributed fairly among all citizens.

What is the Employment Equity Act?


This annual event in Canada celebrates the inclusion and achievements of the LGBTQ+ community.

What is Pride Month?


This Canadian movement seeks to address the ongoing oppression and violence against Indigenous women and girls.

What is the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) inquiry?


This 2020 Canadian movement, inspired by global events, calls for systemic change to address racial injustice and police brutality.

What is Black Lives Matter – Canada?


This Canadian city's health authority developed the "Journey to Cultural Competence" program to enhance service delivery to diverse populations.

What is Vancouver Coastal Health?


This term refers to unconscious attitudes or stereotypes that influence judgments about people from different cultural backgrounds.

What is implicit bias?


This term describes the unique blend of Indigenous, French, and British cultures that characterize Canada's population.

What is cultural mosaic?


This Canadian leader introduced the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, promoting equality for all Canadians.

Who is Pierre Trudeau?


This Canadian university initiative focuses on creating an equitable environment for all students, particularly those from marginalized communities.

What is the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) framework?


This Canadian agency works to ensure the inclusion of people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds in the workforce.

 What is the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI)?


This term describes the economic, social, and cultural exclusion experienced by Francophone Canadians in English-speaking regions.

What is linguistic oppression?


This principle involves redistributing resources and opportunities to achieve fairness and justice for all members of society.

What is distributive justice?


This concept, crucial for healthcare providers in Canada, ensures that services meet the cultural and linguistic needs of patients.

What is cultural safety in healthcare?


This Canadian organization works to address cultural biases in educational materials and promote fair representation of all cultures.

What is the Canadian Race Relations Foundation?