Paris, France

This river runs through the city of Paris. 

What is the Seine River?


This ancient civilization is credited with starting the Olympic Games around 776 BC.

What is Greece?


These seven (7) program areas cover the current offerings of Kinnect, as listed on our website.

What are Kinnect to Family, KinnectU, Kin-First Courtrooms, Youth-Centered Permanency Roundtables, Safe Affirmed Youth, Ohio Kinship and Adoption Navigator, and Youth Navigator Network?

(Any order and abbreviated nicknames are accepted)


This program aims to help young people who have been in care or recently transitioned out to navigate systems, access resources, and build an expanded network of support.

What is Youth Navigator Network?


This was the original name of Kinnect to Family when implementing the family finding model originated in Missouri by the same name.

What is 30 Days to Family?


You can find the Mona Lisa painting in this museum in Paris. 

What is The Louvre?


This American gymnast won four gold medals and a bronze at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Who is Simone Biles?


This new branch of Kinnect leverages the expertise and experience of the entire organization to provide learning opportunities including training, consulting, and replication.

What is KinnectU?


This 2024 transition stage happened so all caregivers and families have access to the full array of services across the entire state of Ohio.

What is unification?


These meetings are designed for young people to voice their permanency desires in a safe, structured, non-blaming environment.

What is Youth-Centered Permanency Roundtables?


This is the largest avenue in Paris.

What is the Avenue des Champs-Élysées?


The 2020 Summer Olympics were postponed to 2021 and held in this city.

What is Tokyo?


Kinnect was featured in their June 2024 Signature Report, A Season of Hope: Growing the Role of Families.

Who is the Casey Family Programs?


These two years mark the beginning of program development, followed by the program launch for OhioKAN. 

What is 2019 (development) and 2020 (launch)?


This team is utilizing the KTF model with other program strategies to reduce the over-reliance on institutions in an approach that involves youth, families, and the community.

What is Congregate Care Reduction?


This Parisian prison was stormed by the French people during the French revolution.

What is The Bastille?


The motto of the Olympic Games is "Citius, Altius, Fortius," which translates to these three words.

What are "Faster, Higher, Stronger?"


This model that helps to engage a robust network of affirming individuals who provide emotional and potentially legal permanency for LGTBQ+ young people was implemented first with the Affirm Me program. 

What is Chosen Affirming Family Finding?


This core belief of OhioKAN supports a flexible and responsive program to assist children, caregivers, and families statewide.

What is we believe that families are inherently capable of finding solutions to the circumstances and challenges they face?

Note: Full phrase needed (not the simplified "We Believe Families), reinforcing the nuance.


These 9 Practice Profiles provide guidance for for high-quality service delivery in Kinnect to Family.

What is engaging, assessing, partnering, facilitating, advocating, overcoming, diligence, communicating, and cultural humility?


White, blue, and red symbolize these themes on the French flag.
(hint: these were the themes of Krzysztof Kieślowski's Three Colors film trilogy)

What is liberty, fraternity, and equality?


In 1960, this boxer, later known as Muhammad Ali, won a gold medal in this weight class.

What is light heavyweight?


This community commitment and vision is guided by values and behaviors that recognize the power of family and connections to strengthen outcomes for social determinants of health and to build networks of support.

What is KinFirst Culture?


These funds are available to young adults transitioning into adulthood who are in need of financial support for one-time needs — housing application fees/security deposits, work uniforms/tools, school textbooks/lab expenses, and more.

What is Flex Funds?


By focusing on these five aspects of relational permanency, the work of YCPRT participating professionals results in legal permanency outcomes to be proud of. 

What is life-long, belonging, status, unconditional, and parenting relationship?