Arc NCR History
Bonus Category (advantaged towards long time employees)

What does DDA stand for?

Developmental Disabilities Administration 

What year was the Arc NCR Founded? 

January 1953


Where do I electronically store documents in Icare?

Under Managed Documents 


Does Day Hab happen on the weekends?

It does, and that is something that just recently started. 


What system did we use before ICare? What was it called?

It was called Lifeprint, and it was like a 1999 library software (and it loaded that way also). 

What does LTSS stand for?

Long Term Services and Support System 


Who is the current CEO?

Shawn Kros


Under what tab on the main home screen can I find individuals who have not yet started services but potentially will?

In the green "Outreach" tab which is monitored by Admissions. 

How many employment services do we currently provide?

9 in total 

Ongoing, Follow Along, Job Development, Milestones 1, 2, and 3, CDS, Career Exploration Facility and Career Exploration Small Group 

Who cosponsored the whole Otter Team motto?
The fabulous Leslie Kydd. 

What does POM stand for?

Personal Outcome Measures


What was our title before Advocacy Specialist?

Case Manager


Under the Individual Assessment Tab, do we have to add in information for the "Psych Assessments"? 

No, we do not fill in the "psych assessments


Does the Arc provide Transportation Funding?

Yes, but only to people who were grandfathered into that service, which is less than 8


Which member of our team has worked for the Arc for the longest, and for how many years?

Madicella, and for 10 years. 


What does CCS stand for?

Coordinator of Community Services 


Does "ARC" stand for something? If it did, what year did it become a generic term?

Yes, and the name changed in 1993

I know an individual is in services and is active in ICare, but I can't see them when I type their name. Why might this be? 

You don't have the necessary permission to view the individual's profile (it's rare, but it happens). 


What device does a person receiving personal supports have to use so staff can get paid for hours they provided supports?

Their OPP Device 


What are otters infamous for? (Hint, this is the reason we chose otters as our team motto). 

For holding hands during the storm, as we hold each other up during tumultuous times.


What does PCIS stand for?

Provider Consumer Information System - it's an old billing system that is being phased out for LTSS (it should be phased out by Fall 2024). 


What year is the Arc's 70th anniversary?

The 70th anniversary was celebrated by the Arc in 2023. 


When did Advocacy Specialists first start utilizing ICare?

In 2020 during the pandemic. Fun times! 


Is Day Hab calculated by Formula A or Formula B:

Formula A: Number of days times six divided by .25 and times four

Formula B.: 30 hours times six, divided by .25 and times six

Formula A

Number of Days (lets say 5 days) times six, divided by .25, and times four

Example - 5x6 divided by .25 and times four = 480 hours monthly 


Where did Case Advocacy used to sit back in 2020, and which department used to occupy our current suite?

In the employment offices downstairs is where we used to sit, and Community Living used to be in our current suite.