What is one type of breathing technique
Box, Breathing, paced breathing, deep breathing
Name one type of therapy
CBT, DBT, ACT, etc.
What diagnosis fits having a low or sad mood for more than 3 months, somatic and cognitive changes that significantly affect a person's ability to function?
Major Depressive Disorder
The four types of hormones/chemicals in our bodies that help us feel happier?
Serotonin, Oxytocin, Dopamine and Endorphins
True or False
Many people do not seek treatment for mental illness due to the associated stigma.
Only 44% of adults with diagnosable mental illnesses receive treatment.
Name a coping skill that deals with cognitive distortions
Socratic Questioning, catch it, check it, change it, fact checking, putting thoughts on trial.
In order to tolerate our emotions better so we are able to choose our responses and not just react we need to do what?
Widen our window of tolerance through self-care and using coping skills.
What diagnosis has periods of significant depression and significant mania.
How can you build your support system?
answers will vary.
True or False
1 in 6 young people have experienced a major depressive episode.
Name a grounding technique
using your senses, using a mindfulness technique, counting, alphabet games, etc.
A psychologist can do what types of treatment?
psychological testing
Signs and symptoms of this disorder include:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
the three types of hallucinations are:
Auditory, tactile, and visual
True or False
Each year, serious mental illnesses cost the U.S. almost $200 billion in lost earnings.
When should I go to the hospital of my mental health?
When I feel overwhelmed and unable to keep myself safe.
True or False
Signs and symptoms of this disorder include.
Borderline Personality Disorder
This hormone in our body can be released by physical touch.
Progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery are what kind of coping technique?
Relaxation technique or Mindfulness technique
Serotonin is primarily produced in this part of our body.
the gut
These disorders' symptoms include but are not limited to: periods of not eating or eating significantly less or more than the average person, sometimes significant changes in weight, obsession over weight or specific body parts, over/obsessive exercise, obsessing about food and weight, and possibly episodes of purging via vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics or exercise.
Eating Disorders
types: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, (OSFED) Other specified feeding and eating disorders, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID), and PICA
Why is self-care so important?
Helps us be a healthier person, lowers stress, builds self-worth and helps to widen our window of tolerance.
Name three factors that can lead to mental illness.
Many factors can lead to mental illness, including genetics, physical illness or injury, extreme grief, extreme stress, and traumatic life experiences.