This Jeopardy (Ooh, its so meta)
High Point Scrabble Words
Pie and Beer Day
Fix the Spoonerism
Western Movie Characters vs the Real Thing

On April Fool's Day 1997, Alex Trebek and this Wheel of Fortune host swapped hosting duties for their shows. 

Who is Pat Sajak?


This 3 letter word is worth 15 points and is a cylindrical Turkish hat, often red with a tassel on top. 

What is a FEZ?


July 24 is an important day in UT for LDS and non-LDS people alike. Non-Mormons participate in Pie and Beer Day, while Mormon's celebrate this day that kinda rhymes, to celebrate those among the first to explore or settle a new country or area. 

What is Pioneer Day?


"Runny Babbit: A Billy Sook" was written by this poet and songwriter most famous for "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and "A Light In the Attic." 

"Runny Babbit"  is full of spoonerism examples -  "Runny Babbit lent to wunch and heard the saitress way, 'We have some lovely stabbit rew, our special for today.'"

Who is Shel Silverstein?


Played by Paul Newman and Robert Redford in the movie, these two lived a life of crime, and worked together in 1900 to rob a Great Northern train. Their gang were successful and stole the equivalent of two million dollars from the train. They escaped to Bolivia where it is believe they were killed in a gunfight with the Bolivian military

Who are Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?


This is the most popular cocktail in the world, traditionally made with bourbon or rye whiskey, lightly sweetened with sugar and aromatised with bitters. Its  served over ice in a heavy bottomed tumbler named after the drink and garnished with an orange zest twist. Also something you might call an old fuddy-duddy

What is Old Fashioned?


Still the biggest winner in Jeopardy (for most consecutive games won), this software engineer from Utah won 74 games in a row and became the full-time host of Jeopardy after Alex Trebek's passing in 2020. 

Who is Ken Jennings?


a five letter J word, good for 21 points, meaning two shakes of a lambs tail (or another metaphor that suggests a very short amount of time.)

What is a JIFFY?


Pies would often pop up in old nursery rhymes such as the one about this boy who sat in a corner eating his Christmas pie.  

However nursery rhymes often had deeper meanings, such as commenting on class war, and the dissolution of monasteries.

Who is Little Jack Horner?


Look, they're identical and have the same birthday. Those girls are sin twisters

What are Twin Sisters?


Born Phoebe Ann Mosey, she first gained recognition at the young age of 15 when she won a shooting contest against Frank Butler. She offered her sharpshooter skills to Teddy Roosevelt for help in the Spanish American War but was denied. Annie Get Your Gun was loosely based on her life. 


This drink is simply a shot of whiskey (Irish is preferred) chased by the salty sour juice of a cucumber that has been brined.  

What is a pickleback?


This character actor and SNL alumnus plays Alex Trebek when SNL parodies Celebrity Jeopardy.


This Q word, 4 letters and worth 22 points, means a short test

What is a Quiz?


This flagship beer of the Boston Beer Company is named after one of the most prominent Sons of Liberty and cousin to future presidents, John and John Quincy. Its not really him on label, BTW, its Paul Revere. 


I love the theatre, all my favorite plays were written by Shilliam Wakespeare.

Who is William Shakespeare?


Played by Colin Farrell, Kris Kristofferson and Brad Pitt, as well as his own son, this gunslinger is probably the most famous outlaw of all time. He and his brother Frank joined forces with the Younger gang to punish union soldiers for their mistreatment of southern families. He was shot in the back by Robert Ford for a little fame and prize money. 


in 2012, Nick Nicora set a Guinness World Record with a 10,499 gallon one of this cocktail in Sacramento, California. That consisted of  4,650 bottles of Jose Cuervo Gold Tequila, 8,400 gallons of sour mix, and 20 gallons of Cointreau liqueur. 

What is a Margarita?


This tall, red-haired late night show host, former writer on The Simpsons and SNL was not on Celebrity Jeopardy. His BFF and co-host Andy Richter was, and was the winningest of all CJ performers, winning $68,000 for his favorite charity. 

Who is Conan O'Brien?


This 21 point, 5 letter word means very quick or speedy. Here's a visual clue.

What is Zippy?


India Pale Ale gets its extra bitter flavor and preservatives by adding this conic green flower. 

What are hops?


William Archibald Spooner, the namesake for Spoonerisms, once said "Three cheers for the queer old dean!", while attempting Victoria on her diamond jublliee. 

What is Three Cheers for the Dear Old Queen!!?


Martha Jane Cannary, also known by this nickname, was one of the most well-known frontier women and possibly married to Wild Bill Hikok, who she met while settled in Deadwood, SD. She was a story teller for Buffalo Bill's travelling show, but died at age 51 due to her struggles with alcoholism. Doris Day played her in the movie of the same name.


Usually, cocktails don't cost much more than a beer or a glass of wine. But, most people will think twice about ordering a Diamonds Are Forever Martini at the Ritz Carlton in this Asian capital city, which costs a cool $22,579. It’s made from vodka, lime juice, and a one carat diamond.

What is Tokyo?

You can make almost any numerical bet on Jeopardy, but there are a few exceptions. No $69 for prudish reasons, no $14 or $1488 because of their connection to white supremacy and not this 3-digit number because its considered "the mark of the beast". 

What is 666?


9 points for two letters, not too shabby. This means your basic big bovine beast of burden in singular form, often seen in a pair, in a yoke, pulling a plow. Could also be a shortened form of what you breathe in.

What is an OX?


In Shakespeare's first tragedy which is set in Rome, this title character wreaks revenge on Queen Tamora and her family for their evil deeds by baking her sons into a pie and serving it to her. 

What is Titus Andronicus?


Its been a long, hot day and I planned to go home and shake a tower. Turns out my plumbing is not working.

What is take a shower?


Played most famously by Val Kilmer and Dennis Quaid, he was a dentist and close friend and associate of the famous Wyatt Earp and earned a reputation as a survivor of the famous Gunfight at the O.K Corral. 


This cocktail was invented in the early 1900s, but the blend of vodka, tomato juice and spices gets its name from an English queen known for her fondness for chopping the heads off Protestants. The tomato juice is, allegedly, supposed to represent blood. Its garnish started with a celery stick and has gotten considerably more elaborate.  

What is a Bloody Mary?

Fun fact: A Bloody Mary is a popular cocktail to drink while on a plane. Scientists originally thought that the altitude affected people’s taste buds, and the drink tasted stronger in the air, but further research has actually given another reason – it’s the noise. Participants of a taste experiment had trouble picking out sweet flavours in a noisy environment, but found it easier to pick up on savoury “umami” flavours, just like those present in tomatoes.