La blusa de Abriti
What is Abriti's blouse?
Yo caminé
What is I walked?
Nosotros conducimos al pastizal
What is we drove to the pastureland?
Dejé las llaves sobre la mesa
What is I left the keys on the table?
La chica cansada
What is the tired girl?
La canasta de las mujeres
What is the the women's basket?
Nosotros gestionamos el bosque
What is we managed the forest?
El médico cortó (a través de) la ropa
What is the doctor cut through the clothes?
Me interpuse entre el oso y el perro
What is I stood between the bear and the dog?
el carro roto
What is the broken car?
El gol de James
What is James' goal?
Ellos trajimos las bandejas
What is we brought the trays?
Sandra dormió en su cama anoche.
What is Sandra slept in her bed last night?
La montaña está al otro lado del valle
What is the mountain is across from the valley?
Los especies en desaparición
What are the disapearring species?
La casa de los papas
What is the parents' house?
Tu me dijiste que los páramos son mojados
Sergio trotó hacia el norte de la ciudad
What is Sergio jogged towards the north of the city?
Debes llegar al taller a las 9 de la mañana
What is you should arrive to the workshop by 9am?
Los depósitos de secado
What are the drying reservoirs?
El taller de Vane y Paula
What is Vane's y Paula's workshop OR What is Vane y Paula's workshop?
Yo pensé que las muletas estaban rotas
What is you thought the crutches were broken?
Nosotros montamos en el autobus ayer.
What is we rode on the bus yesterday?
¿Viste el partido por televisión? Fue de 8 de la noche a 11 de la noche
What is did you watch the game on the television? It went from 8pm to 11pm?
Quitándose el abrigo, Paula saludó a su cansada amiga.
What is removing her coat, Paula greeted her tired friend? (+5 *which are the participles?)