Mom asks you “What time is rehearsal?” Why doesn’t she know this already? 

Mom’s email is from an old job that she hardly ever checks and there are so many emails on there that’s it’s overwhelming so she just doesn’t look at it anymore. Of course. 


What is the ROGER RABBIT?

Please demonstrate as a team! 


Why can’t Princess dance full out today? 

She was at soccer practice and got kicked in the shin which she didn’t think was anything except then she went to the dance and her heels were bothering her so she took them off and then danced with no shoes and then she realized her shin was hurting but she didn’t leave the dance, instead she just danced through it but now it’s Monday night and she thinks she should rest it. 


You fell asleep and had a crazy dream. You were a bird flying above the trees. You see your friends below and say hello. You’re happy and hopeful and enjoying flying. But then… there’s a storm and you struggle to stay in the air! You fall to the ground and die a sad sad death. But then you wake up! It was all a dream! 

Demonstrate please. Enjoy. 


Lots of little fish were sleeping on a rock in the bottom of the ocean. They lifted up their heads and they shook out their tails and they said…

Let’s go swimming!!! 


Student asks you “What color tights do we wear?” When asked why she doesn’t already know this or have the correct tights she says…

I thought I knew but then I didn’t so I asked my friend but she told me black and I don’t think that’s right so I am asking you now even though competition is tomorrow and there’s no way I’ll get the right color before then so I’m really hoping it’s tan. 


What is the CABBAGE PATCH? 

Please demonstrate as a ripple! 


Why was Princess late for Saturday morning rehearsal?

She was out late last night and then stayed at a friends and then was coming to dance from there but remembered she didn’t have her dance bag so she had to turn around and go all the way home to get it but she didn’t have enough gas to make the trip twice so she had to stop for gas but didn’t have any money so she had to go to the ATM and then back to the gas station and then home to get the bag. So she’s late and it’s not her fault. 


Partner Improv 

You are a happy couple enjoying the day skipping through the park. You come across an ice cream shop. Order your favorite ice cream cones. One of your ice creams topples to the ground. The other will not share. A couples quarrel ensues and you break up in dramatic fashion. The end. 

Have fun! 


The gift that keeps on giving - grab your sister, a winter coat and …. 



Mom approaches the front desk on June 1st and says “Wait, is there a performance coming up?” When asked if she has gotten any of the recital information she says… 

Oh maybe but I don’t take her to dance or pick her up or look in her bag or check the email ever or talk to my child about anything so I was never told. And we can’t be there. No matter what the date is - we can’t be there. 


What is the MOONWALK? 

One demonstrates while the rest of the team does their best MJ vocal imitation! 


Why did Princess forget to bring her costume to competition? 

She was so busy all week and then went to pack her bag the night before competition and realized she doesn’t know where it is. She texted everyone in the group but they don’t have it. So she must have left it at the studio during the last class so you should actually have it. Why don’t YOU have it? 


Group Improv

Together you’re all at the zoo. Walking around looking at the animals and having a good time. Your group decides it would be fun to act like the animals you’re seeing! Acting like gorillas in front of the gorillas, elephants in front of the elephants, giraffes with the giraffes etc… until you get to the Lions! Lions don’t like to be mocked. They escape and chase you out of the zoo! 

Have fun and be careful! 


This song was written for Raffi, covered by the Wiggles and encourages kids to 



 Parent calls and says that Princess isn’t comfortable doing her dance routine for recital and is upset that she isn’t more prepared. When asked how many classes she’s attended in the past month she says…

Well she missed two weeks because we were on vacation and then she had a birthday party to go to and then she was just having a tough day so she’s missed the last four classes but she’ll be there next week except she’ll be a little late and then I have to pick her up a little early so… 


What is a TIME STEP? 

Please demonstrate as a team - extra points for a big finish with jazz hands! 


Why is Princess not auditioning for team or registering for classes next year? 

Princess is looking for a studio that will push her harder and give her more opportunities. I know she didn’t attend any of the guest teacher workshops, extra tech classes, private lessons or optional conventions here but the new place will be different and she’s actually going to put in some effort there so maybe we’ll see some improvement. 


Setting: Grocery store. you’re shopping for your weekly food supply bopping along to the grocery store music. Good tunes today! You’re shopping, freezer section, produce, dairy… then a song comes on that reminds you of your ex. You try to keep shopping but it’s too sad. So you dance in the aisles reminiscing of the past. Until the next grocery store jam comes on and pulls you out of your funk. It was just a short case of the grocery store blues. 

Shop on! 


Get out your utensils, protect your voice and please act this one out!

Part of Your World


Family shows up at recital with no tickets at all. When asked why they don’t have tickets already they say… 

Tickets?! Why do I need to buy tickets when I’ve already paid for classes all year long?! I don’t read my emails because I’m so busy. I don’t check the dance bag for notes and Princess is in a car pool so I never go into the studio. I just thought it was free and I could bring 15 people with me and we would get in the front row because we demand good seats! 


What is THE WORM? 

One demonstrator with hype people on the side - extra points for two directions! 


Why is competition Princess going to miss a full two weeks of classes? 

Competition Princess is also the lead in her school play and has a week of mandatory rehearsals and the. A week of mandatory tech rehearsals and then two weekends of performances. Mostly likely after said performances Princess will also be sick so don’t plan on seeing her that week either. 


It’s the 2026 Olympics. You’re a figure skater. You’ve waited for this moment your entire life. You get ready, last minute touch ups and then you skate to center stage. Your music is a dramatic version of swan lake and you can’t wait! You’ve got all the skills down- the slow sustained leg up thingy majiggy, triple sow cow axel jump, super fast spinny stuff… you trip a little but get through ok - good cover up- just in time to finish perfectly! You wait patiently for the results and YOU DID IT! GOLD! You accept your medal with pride as you listen to the national anthem. 



Please demonstrate this song that has a verse for MAMA, DADDY, BABY and GRANDMA

Do do dododoo…