Wh - questions
Let’s March
Connecting the dots
The Pulley

1. She will help me solve the sum.

a. What will she help me with?

b. Why will she help me with the sum?

c. Who will help me with the sum?

d. When will she help me with the sum?

c. Who will help me with the sum?


Q1. Who is giving the speech ? Which prize was he awarded with?

This speech is given by Kailash Satyarthi. He was awarded by the Nobel Peace Prize


What is a clause?

Clause is a part of a sentence. Two or more clauses come together to form one complete sentence. 


Which course helped Steve Jobs to develop fonts? 

Calligraphy course helped Steve Jobs to develop fonts. 


The poem is about the connection between ______ and ________.

The poem is about the connection between man and God.


2. They will be back by 10:00 am.

a. Who will be back by 10:00 am?

b. How will they be back?

c. When will they be back?

d. Will they be back by 10:00 am?

c. When will they be back?


Q2. Name the two Mantras given by Satyarthi.

a. Let’s Walk Together 

b. Let’s Speak Together


The fog disappeared when the sun appeared.

M.C - The fog disappeared 

S.C. - when the sun appeared


How did Steve Jobs earn money in his college days?

By returning coke bottles for 5 cents.


Name any 4 gifts given by God to man

1. Strength

2. Beauty 

3. Wisdom

4. Honour

5. Pleasure


3. The day was bad because I had an accident?

Why was the day bad?


Q3. Name the three things that connect us with the world today.

a. High - speed Internet.

b. Exchange of goods and services in the global market.

c. Thousands of flights


Even though the car was washed, it still looked quite dirty.

M.C - It still looked quite dirty.

S.C - Even though the car was washed.


Name the 3 company’s opened by Steve Jobs in the correct order.

1. Apple

2. Pixar

3. Next


Why did God withheld the gift of rest from man?

God withheld the gift of rest from man so that man doesn’t forget him and remembers his in his good and bad times.

4. Payal live 5 kilometres away from the school.

How many kilometres away does Payal live from the school?


Q4. After 20 years of work, what are the 4 positive changes that happened?

a. Out of school children decreased.

b. Child labourers decreased .

c. Child mortality and malnutrition decreased.

d. Prevented Child Deaths


Your skills are useful only when you apply them.

M.C - Your skills are useful

S.C - only when you apply them.


What was the name of Steve Jobs wife?



What are the two meanings the word “rest” has in this poem?

Rest - remaining 

Rest - Relax


Q5. The climate changed in the matter of minutes.

How did the climate change?


Name any five rights that Satyarthi wants children to have : 

Right to _____

Right to play and learn

Right to grow

Right to good education 

Right to nutrition and food.

Right to dream


She forgot how to speak politely.

M.C - She forgot

S.C - how to speak politely


Which cancer was Steve Jobs diagnosed with?

Steve Job was diagnosed with a rare form of Pancreatic Cancer.


Tell any one example of inversion from the poem.

So both should losers be.

Let us said he pour on him all we can.