Adjective or Adverb?
Parts of an Essay
StudySync Texts
All Things Verbs!
Mr. Lewis's Classroom Facts

Does the following sentence contain an adverb or an adjective?

He smiled gleefully at his pet dog.

What is adverb?  Gleefully is modifying smiled.


This is the name of the first paragraph of every essay.

What is an introduction paragraph?


What are the three StudySync texts we have read this summer?

What are "Touching Spirit Bear," "Brave," and "Ready For Marcos?"


What is the definition of a verb?

What is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence?


True or False: There are directions on the board when you walk into class.

What is true?


Does the sentence contain an adverb or an adjective?

The gigantic cat darted home.

What is an adjective?  Gigantic modifies the noun cat?


State the three main types of paragraphs found in an essay.  Hint, each type has "paragraph" at the end of it.

What is an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph?


In "Touching Spirit Bear," where is the main character Cole being taken?

What is an island?


Locate the verb in the sentence below.

The bird flew across the sky quickly.

What is flew?


When taking notes in class, what indicates if information is important and should be written down?

What is the text being bolded?


Does the following sentence contain an adjective, an adverb, or both?

The small basketball player surprisingly could jump very high.

What is both?  Small modifies basketball and very high modifies jump.


This sentence is the last one in your introduction paragraph and tells the reader what the main idea or topic of the essay is.

What is a thesis statement?


In "Brave," what does Jensen carry in his pocket?

What is a zombie survival guide?


What are the three main types of verb tenses?

What are past, present, and future?


True or False: Mr. Lewis's class has assigned seats that never change.

What is false?


Does the following contain an adverb, an adjective, or both?

"But dad, I didn't know Odessa Shannon Middle School was so cool!"

What is adjective?  Cool modifies Odessa Shannon Middle School.


What is the name of the sentence that starts off a body paragraph?

What is a topic sentence?


In "Ready For Marcos," what is Monica's dream?

What is to make the 8th Grade track team?


What type of verb tense is being used below?

The man walked to the store yesterday after work.

What is past tense?


What is Mr. Lewis's favorite NFL team?  Hint, the team's colors are orange and navy blue.

What is the Chicago Bears?


Does the following sentence contain an adverb, an adjective, or both?

Mr. Lewis drives a black car to work every morning and tries to get to his classroom quickly before the students arrive.

What is both?  Black modifies car and quickly modifies get to.


The conclusion paragraph is made up of three parts.  State each of them.

What are a response to the hook, a restated thesis statement, and a two-three sentence explanation of why the topic of the essay is important.


In "Touching Spirit Bear," what is the name of the process that Cole is undergoing in place of the normal criminal justice system?  Hint, it has "Justice" in the name.

What is Circle Justice?


When is perfect verb tense used?

What is when showing an action that is complete or finished?


List the four levels of rewards you can earn as class during summer school.

What are free seat friday and candy, new seating chart, outdoor class, and potluck with movie?