Friendship Skills
Social Problem Solving
Coping with Bullying and Teasing

What makes a good friend?

Any and all of the following: fun to be with; trustworthy; supportive; helpful


1. How would you initiate with a kid in your class who is reading a book and you want to talk with them?

2. How would you initiate with a bunch of kids who are playing kickball and you want to play, but the game has already started.

3. A new kid moved to your neighborhood and is sitting alone in his yard-- what can you say to him?

1. Say: excuse me; hi; introduce yourself; ask a question/make a comment about the book.

2. Say hi; introduce yourself; ask if there is time to join/ask if you can join the next game

3. Say hi, introduce yourself, ask their name, ask a question (do you like to play kickball?)


1. Ron wants to play jump rope, but Bob and Ted are already playing with it. What can Ron do?

Ann and Beth are playing checkers and Heather isn't very good at checkers but wants to play with them. What can Heather do?

1. He can wait for them to take a break then ask to join.

2. Ask if there's another game they can all play together


What are the types of bullying?

physical, verbal, cyber, and socio-emotional.


Give someone a compliment 



1. You walk into the room and someone says, "Hi, ___"- what do you do and say?

2. You walk into a room and a kid you don't know yet says, "Hi my name is Jeff."- what do you do and say?

1. look at them, say hi back, wave

2. look at them, say hi back, tell them your name, ask a question


What does it mean to be a good sport?

Someone plays fairly; they win and lose fairly; they don't brag when they win; they don't cry or say mean things when they lose; they don't make you feel bad for winning.


When someone is teasing you, how can you ignore them?

Walk away; turn your back to them; don't respond by looking or speaking to them; ZERO reactions


Which comments are rude and which are polite?

1. That sweater is really ugly.

2. Thanks for helping me with that math problem.

3. I don't want to play with you, I want to do something more fun.

4. You are not very good at checkers- I beat you every time

5. Your hair looks cool today.

1. rude

2. polite

3. rude

4. rude

5. polite



1. Two children are playing a game together and a third one wants to join.

2. Two children are eating lunch together and a third one wants to join.

1. Hi, what are you guys playing? Can I play with you?

2. Hi, is anyone sitting here? Hi, could I sit and eat lunch with you?


What would you do/say if:

1. You lost a board game with your friend.

2. You and your family arrive to the movie theatre but tickets are sold out.

3. You race your neighbor and win

4. Your friend goes to the bathroom during a card game and leaves his cards by you, making it easy to look at them and cheat.

1. You played well; that was fun; I'll get you next time; lets play again soon

2. You can see another movie; be flexible and go another time or day

3. say good game; give them a compliment (you were fast!)

4. I would wait and play fairly; I wouldn't look at his cards.


Who are adults you can tell if you've been bullied or teased?

parent(s)/grandparent(s)/ teacher/ therapist, principal, etc.


1. What should you say when someone gives you a compliment?

Thank you- you can smile, too!


What do you do when you've asked to play nicely but the other kids say no?

walk away, find something else to do, find someone else who is looking to play.


What can you say/ask to let someone know you're showing interest?

1. Christine sings in the choir and always plays kickball at recess. She rides on your bus.

2. Alex is a good soccer player, he just moved here from Boston and he likes to play video games.

1. introduce yourself; comment/ask a question about choir; comment/ask a question about kickball; ask where she lives since she's on your bus.

2. introduce yourself; ask about Boston; ask about favorite sports teams; ask about what video games he likes to play.


What does it mean to be physically bullied?

hitting, kicking, pushing, shoving, throwing, pinching, throwing items at us


1. When someone asks you a question, you should:

2. When you meet someone for the first time, you should:

3. When someone offers you something you don't want, you should:

1. look at them and respond

2. say hi; tell them your name

3. say "no thank you"


How does it make you feel when someone says "no" when you want to play?

(insert feelings here)

Give me examples of encouraging statements you could say if you saw someone feeling down/upset.



Ignore or get help:

1. A girl at recess told you she thinks you're horrible at kickball.

2. A boy on your bus threatened to hurt you the next day if you didn't bring $10 for him.

3. A girl in your class asks you to do her homework.

4. Your sister knows you hate Taylor Swift but plays the music loudly anyway.

1. Ignore.

2. Get help

3. Ignore

4. Ignore