Let's Get Ready...
Start With the End in Mind...
Harnessing Time...
The Learning Blocks...

Q. Dr. Rostick-Owens, Wende, and Sweet-Cosce along with Mrs. Payne, Ms. Scheff, and Mr. Whitehead are here to facilitate academic achievement for TCOP students and want you to reach out to use when you have questions or need help. 

We are representatives of what office (the O___________ of S___________ A___________.) 

A. The Office of Student Affairs consists of the following personnel:

  • Dr. Wende (oversees all of OSA in her role as associate dean)
  • Dr. Rostick-Owens (oversees academic success programs, and events)
  • Dr. Sweet-Cosce (oversees personal and professional success programs and events)
  • Mr. Whitehead (coordinates records and registration processes)
  • Mrs. Payne (coordinates proctoring of accommodated testing processes)
  • Ms. Scheff (coordinates belonging and community events)


Q.  Academic goals can be lofty and span over the course of a semester (i.e., my goal is to make all A's) or modest and are short-term, yielding more immediate action (i.e., my goal is to submit all assignments 2 days before the due date). Both types of goals are needed.  

However, to make an effective goal, you must think with the end in mind about what you want to a___________ or accomplish.  

A. achieve

When setting goals, ask yourself the following questions-

  • Is this goal important to me?
  • Will the goal help me achieve success (progression, retention, and graduation from the PharmD program?
  • Am I able to commit to the amount of time needed to meet my goal?

If the answer is "Yes," proceed.  If the answer is "No," reconsider.


Q. T______________ M______________ is the concept that helps to describe how people plan, control, and use the 24 hours (or 1440 minutes) of their day.  

A. Time Management

The facilitators of poor time management are endless and may include time-stealers like procrastination, lack of focus on priorities, distractions, competing commitments, ineffective planning, perfectionism, or an inability to delegate.

Follow-up question: What are your facilitators of poor time management?


Q. From pre-matriculation through graduation, the pharmacy college provides students with:

a Student Success Coach, Faculty Mentors, Supplemental Instructors, Academic Teams, Accessibility Services Testing, Office Hours, and more because we believe it's important for students to familiarize themselves with and to use their "a_______________ r_______________." 

A. academic resources

Follow-up question: Name the academic resources you have found most helpful in achieving your past goals or which ones you will use to meet your current goals?


Q. TCOP uses this type of academic scheduling for students B______________ scheduling.  What this means is that while you have 7 classes for the entire semester, at any given point, you will have at most 4 classes simultaneously in the semester.   

A. Block scheduling

Weeks 1-3: Calculations, DDS, Intro to Pharm, and EBCR I.                                               

Weeks 3-5: Calculations, DDS, MMI, and EBCR I

Weeks 6-7: Calculations, DDS, MMI, and Skills . 

Weeks 8-13: Calculations, DDS, DA, and Skills .

Weeks 14-15: DDS, MMI, and EBCR I         

Week 16: End of Semester Exams for the first semester.


Q. This two-word phrase (A_______________ P_______________) refers to the previous coursework, patterns of learning and studying, and planning students should complete before attending class, completing assignments, and taking exams. 

A. Academic Preparation

Follow-up question: What academic preparation strategies have you used that might be helpful tips for your classmates?


Q. Go for it smarty pants!  If your goals are precise, quantifiable, obtainable, pragmatic, and have a deadline, they are pretty SMART.  

What does SMART stand for when establishing a goal?


  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

Follow-up question: How do you incorporate SMART goals into your academic, personal, or professional life, and what impact have they had on your achievements?


Q. The semester is 15 weeks long. Over the semester, you will be registered for 7 classes, which totals 18 credit hours.  How much time, in hours/week (outside of lecture time), should you be studying, (reviewing notes, completing assignments, doing practice problems, etc.)? 

A.  34 hours/week at minimum 

Research suggests that students should spend approximately 2-3 hours, per credit hour, studying in order to be successful in their courses.  

Follow-up question: Thoughts? Questions? Concerns?


Q. Do you have questions or need academic, personal, or professional guidance?  Your faculty  S_______________ S_______________ C_______________, will be able to assist you.  

It's a good thing that your first official meeting with them will on Friday, during the luncheon. 

A. Student Success Coach

You'll meet with your coach at least 5 times this year:

  • Once during the Coaching Luncheon
  • Twice for a group coaching session with your Pharmily (once in Fall and once in Spring)- your coach will provide these dates.
  • Twice for an individual coaching session (once in Fall and once in Spring)- you will schedule these dates with your coach.

Q.  In the block schedule you have some classes that are just a few weeks long and others that are 14 weeks long.  Retaining information for all of them will be important.  

Adopting this type of learning style, A_____________ L_____________- which includes DOING (i.e., asking questions, teaching others, completing practice problems, self-testing, thinking critically,  or joining in on discussions) will help you encode, retain, and recall information more efficiently.  

A. Active Learning

Fun Fact: Research has found that people recall/retain:

  • 10% of what they read
  • 20% of what they hear
  • 30% of what they see
  • 50% of what they see and hear
  • 70% of what they say and write
  • 90% of what they do!

Aim for the 90%?  But, Why?


Q. I am like a mini guidebook for your classes. Yes, a guidebook. Found within my pages, frequently 10+ pages, you will learn about the:  

Course Objectives, Meeting days/times, Required Materials, Learning Objectives, Assessment/Dates, Grading Structure, Late homework policies, Exam Decorum, Attendance policy, & Professional Expectations.

What am I?

A. Course Syllabus

The course syllabi for each of your classes are currently available in CANVAS.  If you haven't already begun, this week, start adding key dates/requirements (class dates/time, assignments, and exams) to your planner so that you can keep the multitude of activities for your classes organized.


Q. After making goals, you should incorporate them into a larger P__________ of A__________, (aka- action plan), or a detailed strategy outlining and organizing efforts toward achieving your goals.    

A. Plan of Action

An effective Plan of Action includes a self assessment of areas needing improvement, the improvement steps you will commit to, and the materials or resources needed to help you accomplish your task.


Q. As a cohort, you all average 17 hours/week of work; 57% of you participate in community events, and 20% of you are caregivers.  Each of you will have to determine how to prioritize tasks.  

The Eisenhower Matrix, is a tool students are encouraged to use when prioritizing tasks. The Matrix encourages students to complete tasks based on these two factors...

I_____________ and U_____________

A. Importance and Urgency

  • DO Immediately when tasks are both Important + Urgent
  • PLAN tasks to do later when tasks are Important + Not Urgent
  • DELEGATE tasks to others when tasks are Not Important + Urgent
  • ELIMINATE tasks that are Not Important + Not Urgent

Follow-up question: What other tools or strategies can be used to help you manage your time?



Q. In your syllabus, you'll find the names of your Course Coordinators and Instructors. You'll also find a reference to this, O____________ H____________, which are times students can meet with faculty outside of class to discuss course-related topics. 

A. Office Hours

Follow-up question: What are the course-related topics you might meet with faculty about during office hours?


Q.  In the block schedule you will have frequent quizzes and exams/assessments.  While your exams might be throughout the week, your exams/assessments will be primarily on this day of the week, ____________day

A. Friday

In the Block Schedule:

  • PY1 students test on Friday 
  • PY2 students test on Monday
  • PY3 students test on Tuesday

This means you will need to use your study time efficiently using the 3 S's- studying daily, self-testing daily, and spotlighting what you need to focus on! 


Q. I am like a school agenda book, device, or tool that is designed to help students stay organized by keeping track of class schedules, assignments/exams, and meetings.  I come in paper or digital forms, depending on the user's preference. 

What am I?

A. An academic planner

The type of planner you use is, ultimately, a personal choice. However, when considering purchasing a planner, you may want to look for:

  • Durability/Reliability- Will it be sturdy enough for the full academic year?
  • Formatting Style- daily, weekly, or monthly formatting to keep up with schedules, due dates, tracking your assignments?
  • Size- Does the planner fit into your bag, is there enough storage on your device?
  • Additional features- To-do lists, goal-setting pages, motivational quotes

Follow-up question: What else would you add to this list?


Q. Students should engage in weekly self p__________ m___________ so they can remain aware of their performance in class and take actions. like going to faculty office hours, attending supplemental instruction or participating in a study group, when their grades begin to slip below the 80% threshold.  

A. Progress monitoring

While students are encouraged to engage in self progress monitoring, the Office of Student Affairs also does weekly grade monitoring.  Outreach and resources are provided to students who have an overall trending grade of 74 or less in a class.


Q. Multi-tasking refers to either the ability to pay attention to several pieces of information at the same time or the process of performing more than one task at the same time. 

Single-tasking refers to the practice of focusing on one task or assignment at a time, with as few distractions and interruptions as possible. 

Which is better?

A.  Free Response!  Any answer works!!!

Follow-up questionWhich tasking method did you choose? Why?


Q. The TCOP Office of Student Affairs coordinates accommodated testing along with this USF office, which is known as SAS or the Student A__________________ Services office.   


A. The Student Accessibility Services (SAS) office is available to provide accommodations for students with documented disabilities.  

- Students apply for accommodations by providing medical documentation and interviewing with SAS. 

- Once students have met with SAS and been approved to have testing accommodations, SAS will share that information with the TCOP testing coordinator, Mrs. Daniyell Payne.

- The Office of Student Affairs will inform students with accommodations of how they may go about signing up to take their exams in the MDD testing center.


Q. The pace of the Block Schedule can feel slow/underwhelming when you have less stringent classes in the scheduling block (Intro to Pharm, Skills) or very fast/overwhelming when you have more challenging classes in the scheduling block (Calculations, Drug Action, DDS, EBCR, and MMI).   

What are some of the ways you plan on pacing yourself throughout the semester to stay somewhere in the mid-range pace?

A. Any of the following answers and more will work?

  • Add tasks/assignments to your planner and check your progress daily.
  • Be an active and engaged learner- asking questions in class to gain understanding and clarification.
  • Critically review class notes, work on assignments, and self-test daily. Find where your gaps in learning are 
  • Set study goals- ID how long you will study each day, what content you will cover, how you will check the accuracy of the information you're learning, and what resources you will use.  
  • Get a study buddy.
  • Avoid procrastinating and cramming.
  • Reflect on your motivation for learning.   

Q.  A large part of your academic success will come as the result of you remaining motivated during challenging times, academic setbacks, or rough patches. 

Motivation levels impact the effort, dedication, and diligence you put into your studies. Having this type of mindset, (g____________), can help you remain motivated during times of academic difficulty.  

A. A growth mindset

"Growth mindset" is similar to the "I think I can motto" of the main character in the children's book "The Little Engine That Could.

"Growth mindset" is thought to keep people motivated in the learning process because it emphasizes that talents, intelligence, and abilities can be nurtured through purposeful effort, facing challenges head-on, and learning from your mistakes.


Q. If you find your plan of action has become i_____________, or is no longer working for you, take the time needed to adjust and modify part or all of the plan so that it is more effective for you. 

A. ineffective

You'll know if your plan of action is ineffective, if you are not making progress toward your goals, you are missing deadlines, or you don't have the correct resources.  

Follow-up question: What else might let you know your plan is ineffective? 


Q. True or False? Effective time management means not having any free time.

A. False. 

Effective time management means that you have an awareness of your competing commitments, the time allotments needed to take care of tasks, and an understanding of when you have downtime in your schedule.  

Follow-up questions: What are current commitments that may strain the time you need to maintain your new study schedule? What adjustments will you make to alleviate the strain?


Q:  TCOP offers peer tutoring and peer academic support through our S___________ I__________ program.  

This program is free to use for students and is offered from week 2 to week 15 of the semester in Fall and in Spring.  

What does SI stand for:

A. Supplemental Instruction

In fall there will be 3 Supplemental Instruction (SI) facilitators:  Chloe S., Hiba E., and Sarah P.

They will support the following courses:

  • Pharmaceutical Calculations
  • Drug Action
  • 1-2-additional courses
  • and provide general academic tutoring

SI sessions are held weekly in a virtual format Via Teams.  The full schedule and access to Teams will be granted during the first week of classes.  


Q. Now that you have heard more about Block Scheduling, which response sounds right to you and why?

  • Block scheduling will be as welcoming as a warm ocean breeze!
  • Block scheduling will be as challenging as I make it!
  • Block scheduling will be tougher than beating Lebron James in a 1-on-1!

A.  Free Response!