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Why is the book of Daniel so important? 

 Not Just a historical book telling the story of Daniel and the Three Holy Youth

It is a divine book that offers hope to hurt souls.

God cared for Daniel’s friends (the three Holy Youth) in the fiery furnace and Daniel in the lion’s den.

He was with them and filled the place with His comfort and peace.


Why did God allow this captivity of His people?

God allowed this to happen for their repentance.


Name the king who threw the 3 Holy Youth in the fiery furnace. and why?

Nebuchadnezzar. He made an image of gold and commanded all people to fall down and worship the gold image when music was played.


What does it mean that we are created in the image of God? 

We share qualities with God, like goodness, creativity, freewill, and dominion. We are created to be pure and righteous. Before the fall, man was innocent and simple. He did not know sin at all. Before sin, mankind was like innocent children. Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Mt. 18:3)


What was the king's name who throw Daniel in the lion's den? explain his feelings.

King Darius.

He was not happy because he loved Daniel but could not take back the decree he issued. He believed Daniel's God would save him like he saved the 3 holy youths. 


Why does God allow tribulations?

 “knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Rm. 5:3-4).

The book of Daniel shows us that God allowed His believers to go through tribulations so that they might be transformed and even elevated. A tribulation is a state of distress or suffering. It can come in the form of oppression or persecution.

Daniel and the Three Holy Youth are examples of what it means to glory in tribulations.


Describe Daniel and the 3 Holy Youth's personal characteristics.

Daniel and the Three Holy Youth came from royal families and were educated in the best of schools. They were gifted, handsome, and proper in dress, language, and action. Perhaps the best description of them would be “noble.”3 They were among the most popular and renowned youth in all of Israel.


What was the accusation against the Three Holy Youth?

The accusation was that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego did not pay due regard to the king. “They do not serve your gods or worship the gold image that you have set up.”


What Does it Mean to be Holy?

Holiness also means to be set apart. It means to be separated unto God. It can be further defined as righteous and sinless. God is the source of all Holiness for the Church. He is the source of the Holy Sacraments. He is the provider of all virtues. Those who are transformed by the Holy Spirit become holy, as God is holy.


Explain the plot against Daniel.

How did Daniel respond?

What do we learn?

Governors convinced the king to issue a decree for no one to worship any gods except the king.

Daniel's faith and courage

we learn how to stand strong for our faith, pray and ask for God to be with us during times of tribulations


What type of friendship do the 3 holy youth teach us?

Divine friendship is when God is the center of those closest to us. The Three Holy Youth teach us the meaning of this divine friendship. We can learn the importance of encouraging one another to be faithful to God during tribulations, and the importance of praying and worshiping together, especially during hard times.


List Daniel and the three Holy Youth's original names and their meanings. 

Their parents gave them names worthy of glorifying God.

Daniel: The Lord is my judge

Ananiah: Jehovah is kind, gracious, and gentle

Azariah: Jehovah helps him, God is my strength

Mishael: Who is like God or Who resembles God


Why would the youth stand up to the king knowing they would be thrown into the fiery furnace?

There is no doubt that the fiery furnace was quite terrifying. The temperature of the furnace was 1562 F to 1742 F, and it could get seven times hotter. The flames could rise as high up as 72 to 85 feet in the air. That’s about a six-story building. The furnace was so hot, but the 3 Holy Youth feared no one except offending God. The Three Holy Youth were ready to die for their faith, but God had a different plan. As a result of their strong faith in God, He rescued the Youth. The Chaldeans instead perished in the fire.


Why do we have to struggle to be holy? 

Our body is precious, holy, and valuable.

It is a vessel of the Holy Spirit and a temple of the Holy Spirit.

§We must not submit to the lusts of the flesh that bring the body down to the dust. “If you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live” (Rm. 8:13).


The king trusted God's power. What did the king do to protect Daniel from his enemy?

Put a large stone in the opening of the lion's den. He sealed the stone with his signet ring.


When did the Book of Daniel events take place? During which era?

 600 years before Christ.

 After the reign of King Solomon, the united Israel was divided into two kingdoms: the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom. The Northern Kingdom was called Israel and the Southern Kingdom was called Judah. Both kingdoms were unfaithful to God, so God delivered them to other nations. The Northern Kingdom was delivered to the Assyrians. The Southern Kingdom was delivered to the Babylonian invaders. Eventually Babylon was conquered and became the Persian Empire. The captives were finally freed by King Cyrus after 70 years of captivity.


How do you stand against peer pressure?

 Be brave, be firm in your principles and resist the general trend if it is wrong. Do not submit to the devil with all his advice and fears. Refuse anything wrong even if you find older people doing it. If you find that those who follow the right way are few, do not be disheartened, for those are the few selected as the Lord said, ‘For narrow is the gate and difficult is the way, which leads to life, and there are few who find it’ (Mt. 7:14). Know that, though the majority falls in the wrong, this does not justify one to make the wrong right. Wrong is wrong, and the fall of the majority in such wrong does not justify it. It is known that the right way is difficult and not all people can follow it, but only a few are distinguished for their principles.

 The true Christian gives his life up for the One Who gave Himself for our sake. “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 16:25; Mk. 8:35; Lk. 9:24).


Describe what happened in the fiery furnace.

The 3 Holy Youth walked freely in the fiery furnace, and God was with them. The fire had no power over them. Even their hair and clothes were not burned. The Chaldeans, who worshiped fire, witnessed that fire had no power over the Three Holy Youth.


How could we resist the devil?

§The devil does not cease to fight us. He is an enemy and against Christ. He is the enemy of all good. Resist him strongly with your faith. Resist him, and he will flee from you, as the apostle said. We are fighting against a defeated devil. This is what St. Bishoy Kamel used to say to the youth. Christ, to Whom is the glory, crushed him, humiliated him, and broke his thorn. Resist him, and do not submit to his thoughts.

§The devil is a liar and the father of lies. His wars are all deception. He promises and does not follow through. He promises to give and does not possess anything. Believe me. He is a liar.


What happened to Daniels' accusers?

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What is the prophet's name that God sent to the Jews?

 God sent His prophet Jeremiah to encourage the Jews during the Captivity.


Describe the 3 different attacks that the king planned against the youth's identity.

How the youth reacted to these attacks.

1. Change of Names

2. Change of Diet

3. Change of Worship


Symbolism of the Fiery Furnace, describe.

The flames represented the devil. The Babylonians worshiped fire.

King Nebuchadnezzar is also a symbol of the devil, who stirred the flames against the Youth. In that sense, the flames are like temptations. The devil will raise the temptations seven times hotter in order to make us fall into sin. When this happens, we need to be patient. Eventually the flames will be cooled down, as they were for the Youth. When temptations seem overwhelming, we respond through prayer, asking God for comfort and grace. Even if the temptation feels unbearable, it can be overcome as long as we rely on God.


Sanctification and Holiness is a Lifelong Journey, explain.

Sanctification and holiness is a process that occurs throughout a person’s life.

§Just because it is a lifelong journey doesn’t mean we put it off. Some people may put it off until it’s too late. Holiness is a journey that began at our baptism and chrismation. Everyday we work to make a little progress. Everyday is an opportunity to repent. Daniel began as a youth like anyone else. When he was much older, even the king could recognize he was filled with the Holy Spirit. Let us strive to work day by day through prayer, Bible reading, and obedience to God’s commands, to struggle to imitate our Lord Jesus Christ. Through God’s grace, we are called to be holy and will be made holy, for He is holy.


Daniel in the lion's den is an icon of our Lord Jesus, Explain 

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