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What is 3 John
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What is "Love thy neighbour as thyself?"
(Leviticus 19:18)
The disciple who attempted to walk on water as Jesus did.
What is Peter?
This book is named for a tribe of Israel that carried out judgment of the idolaters of the golden calf.
What is Leviticus?
h r t u
What is Ruth
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What is " Choose you this day whom ye will serve?
(Joshua 24:15)
The day the apostles received the Holy Spirit.
What is the Day of Pentecost?
s o n a n a m i l t e t
What is Lamentations
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What is "God created man in His own image?"
(Gensis 1:26-27)
This happened to Jonah when he was thrown overboard.
What is he was swallowed by a big fish?
i e t v o l a e n r
What is Revelation
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What is "My thoughts are not your thoughts?"
(Isaiah 55:8-9)
The apparent source Sampson's strength.
What is his hair?
a l h i s n e s t a s n o
What is Thessalonians
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What is "sins as scarlet shall be white as snow?"
(Isaiah 1:18)
Finish the scripture of Philippians 2:5
Let this mind be in you __ __ __ __ __.
What is "which was also in Christ?"