Child Development
Assessment Tools
Behavioral Interventions
Legal & Ethical Issues
School-Based Practices

In this stage of development, children start to understand that others have thoughts and feelings different from their own.

What is theory of mind?


This tool evaluates a child's executive functioning skills, such as planning and organization.

What is the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)?


This strategy involves reinforcing desired behaviors to increase their frequency.

What is positive reinforcement?


This legal document outlines specific accommodations and modifications required for students with disabilities to access education effectively.

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?


This framework developed by NASP provides a comprehensive approach to school psychology, outlining the domains of practice and professional competencies required for effective service delivery.

What is the NASP Practice Model?


In Vygotsky's theory, this is the difference between what a child can do independently and what they can achieve with guidance.

What is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?


This assessment tool is used to evaluate visual-motor integration skills in children, often through drawing and copying tasks.

What is the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (Beery VMI)?


This strategy involves setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals to improve behavior.

What is SMART goals?


This principle requires school psychologists to ensure their professional services are based on empirical evidence and sound methodology.

What is evidence-based practice?


This practice involves using data to monitor student growth and make instructional decisions, often implemented within a multi-tiered framework.

What is progress monitoring?


This term describes the concept of infants understanding that a toy still exists even if it is covered by a blanket.

What is object permanence?


This process ensures that a psychological test accurately measures what it is intended to measure.

What is validity?


This behavioral technique helps reduce problem behaviors by removing a desired stimulus.

What is negative punishment?


This principle requires school psychologists to not force or coerce students or parents into making the 'right' decision. 

What is respect for autonomy?


This intervention strategy involves creating and implementing a structured plan to support students with behavioral challenges, including setting clear expectations, providing consistent consequences, and addressing the function of the concerning behaviors.

What is a behavior intervention plan (BIP)?


In neurocognitive development, this process involves the elimination of unused or less efficient connections to optimize brain function.

What is pruning? 


This assessment tool evaluates a child’s adaptive behavior and functioning in everyday life skills through an in-depth semi-structured interview.

What is the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales?


This intervention involves breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps to improve student performance.

What is task analysis?


This mandates that students with disabilities should be educated with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate.

What is the least restrictive environment (LRE)?


This strategy involves tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs of students by providing different levels of support and adapting teaching methods.

What is differentiated instruction?


In attachment theory, this type of attachment is characterized by a child feeling safe and confident to explore their environment, knowing that their caregiver will be available and responsive when needed.

What is secure attachment?


In psychological testing, this measure of variability indicates how much individual scores deviate from the mean score, helping to understand the spread of data.

What is the standard deviation?


This technique uses a visual chart or system to track and reward students' progress toward specific behavioral goals.

What is a token economy?


In school psychology, this process involves providing guidance and feedback to less experienced practitioners to enhance their skills and ensure adherence to ethical and professional standards.

What is supervision?


This approach involves integrating services and supports for students with disabilities into general education classrooms to promote learning and growth.

What is inclusion?