Industrial Revolution
The U.S.A.
European History
Colonial History

Machines first began to replace people in the following type of industry:

     -coal mining

What is textiles?


Which TWO of the following were NOT original 13 colonies?

     -New Hampshire

What are Vermont and Florida?


This woman's son became King James I of England when Queen Elizabeth died.  He also got to be King James VI of Scotland!  Two kings in one!  

Who was Mary Queen of Scots?


The first (successful) English colony in the New World was founded in this year and was called _________. 

What was Jamestown in 1607?


The painting "Crossing the Delaware" depicts this general leading his troops across the icy Delaware River to attack Hessian soldiers during the American Revolution.  

Who was George Washington?


James Watt perfected this technology.  It replaced windmills, waterwheels, and human muscles as the main source of power for machines.  

What is the steam engine?


Of the three branches of the federal government, this branch is in charge of enforcing the laws of the land. 

What is the judicial branch?


The "Sun King" (Louis XIV) built this famous palace and also financed exploration and colonization in the New World.  

What was Versailles?


This religious group considering themselves "saints" sailing with "sinners" on the Mayflower.  

Who were the Puritans?


The Declaration of Independence declared America's independence from England in the year ____ and was written by _______________.  

What are 1776 and Thomas Jefferson? 


Before railroads, a system of these allowed goods to be moved from the factories to the cities more easily and cheaply than transportation by land with horses and wagons.   

What are canals?


This document -- a set of rules to govern a country -- was ratified (accepted) by 9 of the 13 new states in June 1788. 

What is the Constitution?


Unable to secure a trading port on the Black Sea (it was controlled by the Ottoman Turks), this Russian leader instead created a new port city on the Baltic Sea (and named it after himself, of course!).  

Who was Peter the Great? 

The Dutch created a colony in southern Africa.  But the Dutch in Cape Colony weren't called Dutch.  Instead, they called themselves __________. 

Who were the Boers? 


The French Revolution began with the people of Paris attacking this prison on July 14, 1789.  

What was the Bastille?


Eli Whitney invented this machine which revolutionized the cotton industry. 

What is the cotton gin? 


The bicameral organization of the U.S. Congress (the legislative branch of the government) is made of of these two bodies.

What are the House of Representative and the Senate?


As a result of the English Civil War, England had a 10-year period of history in which there was no king!  Instead, the country was governed by this man who called himself the Lord Protector.  

Who was Oliver Cromwell? 


The British needed a place to send their prisoners because there was no more room for them in England. So they created a penal colony in Australia in 1788 called New_______________.

What was New South Wales? 


Toussaint L'Ouverture led the slaves of this former French colony to rise up and revolt.   

What is Haiti (formerly Saint Domingue)?


These people tried destroying the machines in the factories.  Armed guards and eventually the military intervened to prevent them from damaging machines.    

Who were the Luddites? 


George Washington didn't want to be president!  He just wanted to return to his wife Martha at his farm in Virginia which was called __________. 

What is Mount Vernon?


The Restoration period of English history is called that because it was when the throne was restored to this king.

Who was Charles II?


After the Indian Removal Act of 1838, the Cherokee's forced march of Oklahoma was known as this because so many died on the way. 

What was the Trail of Tears?

After having his grapevines destroyed by the Spanish, Don Miguel Hidalgo inspired a rebellion with this famous speech, named after the town in which he gave it.  

What is the Cry of Dolores?