Physiological effects
Peds 2

A patient comes into your clinic following a rotator cuff repair. She complains of pain in the shoulder and that she cannot lift her shoulder as high as she wants to. She also has swelling and edema present. Name a modality that we can use to treat this patient

non-thermal ultrasound


A 4-month-old infant is brought to the pediatrician due to concerns about limited movement in one of their arms following a difficult delivery. The parents report that the infant has decreased muscle strength and is unable to lift the affected arm or grasp objects with that hand. The physical examination reveals weakness and reduced reflexes in the affected arm. Which of the following conditions is most likely responsible for these symptoms?

Brachial Plexus Injury


Cryotherapy (5)

Decreased Metabolism

Decreased circulation

Decreased neural excitability


Decreased Edema


A 6-month-old infant is brought to the clinic with concerns about an uneven head shape. The parents report that the baby spends a lot of time lying on one side and has developed a noticeable flat spot on the back of the head. What is the likely diagnosis?



Re-ed NMES

Freq: 35-55 Hz

Pulse duration: 300-600 uS

Duty cycle: 1:1 through 1:5 


Cryotherapy (3 each)

Indications: Acute injury, spasms, guarding, edema, DOMS, acute inflammation, pain

Contra: Impaired circulation, lack of sensation, PVD, hypersensitivity, infection, open wound


A 69-year-old patient comes to your clinic with a recent history of falls. She says that she has been tripping over her feet a lot recently and never used to have problems with falling. You perform sensation testing on her lower extremities and find she has decreased sensation in her right lower extremity from L3 down. What is a modality that can be used to treat this patient? 

NMES re-education


A 3-year-old child presents with motor delays and difficulty with coordination. The parents report that the child has trouble with balance, exhibits muscle stiffness, and has an uneven gait. The child's developmental milestones are delayed compared to peers, and the physical examination shows spasticity. What could be a diagnosis of this child?

Cerebral Palsy


ultrasound (5)

Increased circulation

increased tissue elasticity

increased neural conductivity

increase cellular metabolism

decreased pain


A 3-year-old child is evaluated for developmental concerns. The parents report that the child exhibits limited eye contact, and prefers to play alone. The child also displays a limited number of interests. What is the likely diagnosis?

Autism Spectrum disorder


Muscle strengthening NMES

freq: 70-85 Hz

Pulse duration: 300-600 uS

Duty cycle: 1:5


thermotherapy (3 each)

Indications: subacute/chronic injury, pain, spasms, guarding, subacute inflammation, 

Contra: Acute MSK injury, lack of sensation, impaired circulation, PVD, active edema, cancer, open wounds


John has been struggling with chronic muscle pain in his lower back due to long hours of sitting at work and a recent increase in physical activity. His physician diagnosed him with myofascial pain syndrome in the lumbar region. Despite physical therapy and stretching exercises, he continues to experience persistent muscle tightness and discomfort. What is a modality that can be used to treat this patient?

thermal ultrasound

second best: heat


A 6-month-old infant is evaluated for developmental delays and hypotonia. On physical examination, the infant demonstrates poor muscle tone and delayed motor milestones. The infant struggles with stationary balance and postural control. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Down syndrome


E-Stim (4)

improved circulation

increased tone

neuromotor recruitment

decreased pain


A 1-month-old infant is evaluated for physical abnormalities noted at birth. The infant also shows signs of leg weakness and difficulty with bowel and bladder control. What is the most likely diagnosis based on these findings?

Spina Bifida


Conventional TENS

Freq: 70-150 Hz

Pulse duration: 80-125 uS

Duty cycle: 30 min or longer


E-STIM (4 each)

Indications: muscle strengthening, muscle re-ed, muscle pump(move edema), slow atrophy, acute/sub/chronic pain

Contra: pacemakers, infection, cancer, pregnancy (, mm contraction would exacerbate


Emily recently underwent knee surgery for a torn meniscus. Post-surgery, she has been experiencing significant muscle weakness in her quadriceps, which has impeded her rehabilitation progress. Her physical therapist has noted that despite her efforts with exercises, her quadriceps strength remains below optimal levels. what is a modality that can be used to treat this patient?

NMES muscle strengthening


A 5-year-old boy is brought to the clinic with concerns about difficulty running and climbing stairs. His parents have noticed that he tends to fall frequently and has trouble standing up from the floor. On physical examination, the child shows a characteristic waddling gait and uses his hands to "walk up" his legs to stand. What possible diagnosis could this child have?



thermotherapy (5)

increased circulation

decreased spasms

increase neurological activity

increase metabolism

decrease pain


A 2-year-old child presents with a persistent cough, frequent lung infections, and difficulty gaining weight despite a good appetite. The child also has a history of salty-tasting skin and chronic gastrointestinal issues, including frequent, bulky stools. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Cystic Fibrosis


Low frequency TENS

Freq: <20 Hz

Pulse duration: 100-600 uS

Duty Cycle: 30-60 seconds


Iontophoresis (4 Each)

Indications: inflammation, analgesia, spasms, edema, scar tissue, gout, tendonitis, fasciitis 

Contra: sensitive skin, medicine allergy, stomach ulcer, pregnancy, cancer


Michael has a history of chronic lower back pain due to a herniated disc. Despite ongoing physical therapy and medication, he continues to experience intermittent pain that significantly impacts his daily life and work. He tells you that the pain keeps him from doing his job. What is a modality that can be used to treat this patient

Conventional Tens


A 2-year-old patient presents to your clinic carried by his mother. His mother explains that he is having trouble with walking and does not act like his 2-year-old peers. She also tells you that he says a few words such as "momma" and "ball". What is a specific diagnosis for this child? 

Global Developmental Delay


therapeutic massage (5)

Increased circulation

increased tissue elasticity/ relaxation

increased cell proliferation

decreased neurological excitability

decreased pain


A 7-month-old infant is evaluated for developmental concerns, and the parents report that the baby has had persistent difficulty turning the head to one side. During the physical examination, the infant exhibits a noticeable head tilt to the right with the chin pointing to the left. What is the likely diagnosis and which side?

Torticollis (R)


Hyperstimulation TENS

Freq: 1-5 Hz

Pulse duration: 100-1000 uS

Duty cycle: 30-45 seconds on


ultrasound (5 each)

Indications: Acute (non-thermal), chronic (thermal), tissue healing, tissue elasticity, muscle spasms, trigger points, pain modulation

Contra: Acute (thermal), decreased sensation, decreased circulation, pregnancy, pacemaker, cancer, infection, growth plates, over eyes, over metal