Special Education Basics
Disabled Education
English as a Second Language Education
Gifted and Talented Education

What is the other way special education is referred to in our lecture?

Non-“middle“ education


What does the 13 disability categories of the IDEA mean?

The 13 categories of disability that are recognized under the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1975.


What is the most common native language for students learning English in Nevada?



What qualifies a student to be in Gifted and Talented Education in Washoe County?

Being in the 98th percentile in cognitive abilities.


What are the three categories of special education?

Disabled, English as a second language, and Gifted and Talented Education.


Name 5 categories under the IDEA.

Specific learning disability, speech or language impairment, other health impairment, autism, intellectual disability, emotional disturbance, developmental delay, multiple disabilities, hearing impairment, orthopedic impairment, visual impairment, traumatic brain injury, and deaf-blindness


What is an English Language Learner?

A student learning English with little to no prior knowledge of the English language.


What grades does Washoe County test every student for admission into the GT program?

2nd and 5th grade/


Name the three student populations special education caters towards.

Disabled students, students learning English, and students considered gifted.


Name 5 disabilities covered under the IDEA’s 13 categories of disability.

Any five disabilities.

What does it mean if a student has Limited English Proficiency?

A student who knows some English but is not yet fluent in English.


What grade range of GATE students typically involve GT students being pulled out of their regular class to receive specialized instruction from a general GATE education?

Elementary school (which is 2nd to 5th grade in the GT program).


What is differentiation?

The services and/or actions a school/educator employs to level the playing field between a disabled student and their non-disabled peers.


Name 3 examples of differentiation with the disability category it would fall under.

Any 3 examples for 3 disabilities.


What percentage of Nevada students are learning English as of the 2017-2018 school year?

Around 17%.


What grade range of GT students typically involve students taking a class with a GATE educator who specializes in a particular core subject that a GT student would take instead of a general education course of the same subject?

Middle school (~6th-8th grade).


Describe the two methods used for educating students in the special education program?

Pulling a student out of class for a certain amount of time to be educated by a general teacher associated with one of the special education categories; and having a group of students taught by an educator associated with one of the special education categories, but also specialized in a specific core class, as a general course for students to take.


Name one difference between a 504 and an IEP.

An IEP is covered under the IDEA while a 504 is covered under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

An IEP is primarily for students who need modifications and/or services related to their disability while a 504 is primarily for students who need accommodations.

An IEP is often considered a more long term plan while a 504 is often considered more of a short term measure.

An IEP is a part of school’s special education program while a 504 is not.


Name 3 examples of differentiation for students who are learning English as a second language.

Any 3 differentiations.


Name 3 examples of differentiation for students who are in the GATE program.

Any 3 examples.