Smarter Than a H.S. Student
Teacher Icks
MHS Lore
Student Slang
Campus Expectations

This class teaches about coefficient, exponents, and constants, and variables.

What is Algebra II?


The 2 programs sometimes do not sync properly, resulting in missing report card grades. 

What is E-School and Schoology?


Stephen F. Austin, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson in Port Arthur

What are the names of the high schools that existed before Memorial?


This term means "what I am saying is the complete truth."

What is "no cap?"


Minimum of two per week

What is the number of grades a teacher must have per week in the gradebook?


Last year, this class created books that were printed and bound to look like real literature.

What is Spanish class?


Students perform this quiet behavior when when they don't care about the subject matter, if it's the first period of the day, or when a teacher is being observed by an appraiser.

What is putting your head down?


Which alphabet letter is missing in the hall/room numbers?

What is "E?"


This term means "a person or thing that is competing against or in opposition to."

What is "the opps?"


On this day, teachers are supposed to dress in professional attire, nicer than they typically would on Monday or Tuesday of each week. 

What is "well dressed Wednesdays?"


In this class, we use a textbook entitled, "The Visual Experience."

What is Art class?


Teachers would rather monitor bathrooms than be in the classroom during this specific event that takes place twice a year.

What is STAAR testing?


This coach is the ONLY one on campus who coached at the old Memorial and the new Memorial. This coach has also consistently coached the same sport at both campuses.

Who is Coach Henry?


This term, although typically heard by middle schoolers, means "ones ability to flirt or charm guys or girls effortlessly."

What is "rizz?"


The name of the meeting that occurs weekly where data is regularly discussed and analyzed.

What is a PLC?


The course focuses on the skills and strategies necessary for students to make a successful transition into high school and an academic career. However, these classes can often be found in the gym due to uncovered classes. 

What is M.A.P.S.?


A number of teachers either do not submit, submit them late, or do not include enough information on this particular document. 

What is lesson plans?


This campus organization was once known as "The Heat from the Southeast."

What is the marching band?


This term is used to describe when a someone does an excellent job at something. It can be used with phrases like, "...and left no crumbs," or "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7..."

What is "ate that?"


The FIVE items that should be displayed in every classroom daily and updated based on what is being taught that day.

What is the date, objective, TEKS, ELPS, and agenda?


The Hydrologic Cycle is taught in this class.

What is Earth Science?


The one LEGAL thing most teachers WANT to do with the student that is getting on their nerves in class, but can't because, as the teacher, he/she is responsible for that student.

What is "put him/her out of my class?"


Legend has it, when it rains, certain parts of the building flood because of this.

What is, "the school was built on swampland."


This term has two meanings: one is "to express excitement, approval, surprise or energy, usually accompanied with a dance move;" the second is "used to describe throwing something with force."

What is "yeet?"


Instructional planning has been adjusted this school year to include this specific lesson framework. 

What is the Fundamental Five?