What time does the school day typically start at Pacific Ridge School?
What is 8:30 AM?
Who is the head of the middle school at PRS?
Who is Mr. Michel?
How long is the lunch period at Pacific Ridge School?
What is 40 minutes?
Which building on campus has the library, Robotics Studio, Student Support Center, and laser cutter/ 3D printers?
What is the Innovation Center?
How many periods are there total?
What is 8 periods?
Who is the head of school at Pacific Ridge?
Who is Dr. Bob Ogle?
What is a odd/even rotating block schedule
Where is the IT office located?
What is the lower level of the high school building?
What letter days do you have advisory?
What is A and C days
What is the name of the school's mascot?
What is the firebird or Fuego?