Able to say your opinion or what you think about something without fear.
Right (Freedom of Speech)
What does 'discrimanatory' mean?
To treat a certain group of people unfairly.
How many people are on a jury?
Which part of speech is the action?
Respecting the rights of others.
In the U.S, what day of the week is Election day always on?
Who is the defendant?
The prisoner or person that needs to be defended
What must a clause have?
a subject and a verb
Privacy in your home.
In the 1890's, how did white men try to prevent African Americans from voting?
literacy test/ poll tax/ threaten with violence
What is the name of the lawyers going against the defendant?
What word is the same as "in spite of"?
Practicing your religion
What was the Civil Rights Movement? (1960's)
When people fought for equality between white and black people.
What instructions does the judge give to jurors?
Do not discuss the trial or read about it in the media.
True or False:
A connector of contrast can only be used in the beginning of a sentence.
It can be in the beginning or middle of a sentence.
Serving in the army
Right or Responsibility
What is the difference between "in theory" and "in practice"?
"In theory" is the idea. "In practice" is actually doing it.
What is the name of the paper that calls you to come to jury duty?
What is the adjective form of "power"?