Effective time management helps reduce this common feeling associated with work.
What is Stress
This on-campus center helps students with writing essays and research papers
What is the Writing Center
What is missing from this colorful trifecta: Blue, Gold, and ____
What is Red
Key part of this essential action is being present
What is Attend or What is Attend class
Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain
What is Oklahoma?
Tomato-more than just "fruit for thought", it has a technique to study!
What is the Pomodoro Technique
This service provides one-on-one help in various subjects, often from fellow students.
What is tutoring?
This campus Romeo found this campus Juliet and they forever keep watch over U Tulsa.
Who is Lottie Jane and John Mabee?
What is Preview
"Mother" of all Restaurants
What is Mother Road Market
The practice, in which you delay tasks, is a major time waster.
What is procrastination?
This instant bestie helps students slay their degree and makes the college experience 'Lit"
Student Success Coach
Sound of "finals" completion
What is the Kendall Bell or AKA the Bell
How to determine if your study method is effective
What is Assess
This place is a central meeting point and community hub
What is the Gathering Place
This makes sure you have a clear target to work towards.
What are goals?
This office can help you "network" and "Seal the deal".
Who is Cane Careers
Not so anonymous but oh so interesting, information source. Never know who's watching......
What is Yik Yak?
This actions has main ingredient is repetition, with some questions of "how" and "why".
What is Study
My football loss of 100-6, hurt so bad, I had to get help. Now I help others.
Who is Dr. Phil
By managing time effectively, you can improve this aspect of your life, leading to better relationships and personal satisfaction.
What is work-life balance?
If all else fails, having this number on speed dial is your personal 911.
What is Brad Carsons phone number
Knowledgable place of paranormal activity
McFarlin Library
Review, reward, goals and focused study, are all parts of this
What is intense study session
TU was a start, but I finished golden
Who is Rue McClanahan