How many industries does PwC specialize in according to its website?
What are six industries? (consumer markets, energy, financial services, healthcare, industrial products, technology)
What is the national fruit of India?
What is a mango?
What part of the body is affected by Rhinitis?
What is the nose?
Say my name and I disappear. What am I?
How many dots are there on a pair of dice?
What is 42?
Name the initiative: __________ is about forming everyday healthy habits that help fuel our six dimensions of well-being — Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Financial and Social — which are proven drivers of performance, fulfillment and engagement.
What is "Be well, work well"?
In what language does "hummus" mean chickpea?
What is Arabic?
What is the name of a human's third molar?
What is a wisdom tooth?
What has wheels and flies, but is not an aircraft. What is it?
What is a garbage truck?
What two chess pieces are moved during the "castling" maneuver?
What are the king and the rook?
Who is the new PwC Advisory leader?
Who is Tyson Cornell?
The national dish of Canada is poutine. But what are the dishes’ three main ingredients?
What are fries (chips), gravy, and cheese curds?
What bone exists as five separate bones when you are an infant?
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
What is an ear of corn?
The material Nylon is named after which two major cities?
What are New York and London?
Name the missing PwC value: care, make a difference, work together, act with integrity, and ______?
What is reimage the impossible?
What cheese from Cyprus is typically grilled or fried?
In what organ are alveoli found?
What are the lungs?
What starts with a P and ends with E and has over a thousand letters in it?
What is the largest store in NYC (and largest store in the world)?
What is Macy's?
Name this PwC digital alliance: "Through our alliance with _____, we implement cloud-based technology across industries to help improve your decision-making, empower your workforce, drive innovation and accelerate your business growth."
What is Oracle?
What is a primary protein source in the Brazilian dish, feijoada?
What is beef? (or pork)
What is the only body cell with no nucleus?
What is the red blood cell?
The one who makes it sells it. The one who buys it never uses it. The one who uses it never knows he's using it. What is it?
What is a coffin?
A traditional chef's hat has 100 pleats, which symbolizes the number of what?
What is the number of ways an egg can be cooked?