How many professional reviews should each book in your library have?
2 or more
What are the 4 NPS core values?
Integrity, Inclusiveness, Collaboration, Optimism
What day are weekly staff meetings?
What is Wilson's phone number?
What are the three words Norman Schools and Norman Police Department use to inform school personnel when a student has been involved in a traumatic incident?
Handle With Care
What is the new communication tool that replaced SeeSaw and SchoolStatus?
What are our school day hours for students?
What does MTSS stand for?
Multi-tiered system of supports
What day does Mr. Crelia (typically) email the Wilson Staffpage?
When collecting money from students (field trips), what is the website to enter the money into and who do you turn that money into daily?
InTouch Pay and Ms. Kristin
What are the 2 GCN trainings that are due BEFORE the first day of school?
FERPA and Bloodborne pathogens
Where can you locate information about Wilson staff members?
Wilson Staffpage--Home--Staff
What does PLC stand for?
Professional Learning Community
Where can you leave a note for a custodial request?
Legal pad in workroom mailbox
Who are the 4 members present for a Health Plan?
Nurse/Health Assistant, Teacher, Admin, Parent
What does FERPA stand for?
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
What is the date of the Valentine/Friendship Party?
Thursday, February 13th, 2025
Name one thing sunshine/climate dues are used towards.
Sympathy, celebration, staff members
Where can you submit a work order?
What time should attendance be submitted to infinite campus every day?
When can Mr. Crelia start conducting observations for the Marzano Teacher Evaluation through iObservation?
August 29th
Name 2 categories that are subject to harassment/discrimination.
Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion
What is the minimum number of adults that need to be outside during recess duty?
Who do you tell if you need something added to the staff calendar?
Front office (find the calendar on the staffpage)
In a drill or emergency, how do teachers signal that all students in their class are accounted for?
Show a green card/paper