Sig History!
What's that Social Style?
Who's that founder?
What in the Servant Leadership!
Why are you acting like that?

Who was the 64th Grand Consul of The Sigma Chi International Fraternity?

Who is Brother Keith Krach.

Purdue 1979


Responsiveness is defined as:

What is a dimension of behavior that measures the degree to which others perceive a person as tending to control or display emotions in interactions with others?


The only founder of Sigma Chi to serve as Grand Consul.

Who is Founder Benjamin Piatt Runkle?


The process of root cause analysis involves:

What is developing followers to implement a strategic plan?


According to John McCallum what are some of the key components followership:

What is the ability to take direction well, get in line behind a program, be part of a team, and deliver on what is expected of you?


This founder was captured during the civil war and refused to renounce his allegiance to the confederacy:

Founder James Parks Caldwell


Assertiveness is defined as:

What is a dimension of behavior that measures the degree to which others perceive a person as tending to ask or tell in interactions with others?


Youngest Founder of the fraternity:

Who is James Parks Caldwell?


Which element of the SOAR model includes considering values when making decision?

What are Options?


We know this about tension in relationships:

What is there is a direct relationship between the level of tension we experience and our level of productivity?


This founder removed his Deke Badge and tossed it on the table, while saying "I didn't join this fraternity to be anyone's tool." 

Who is Founder Benjamin Pratt Runkle?


Which of the following is NOT a servant leader behavior?

A. Forgiveness B. Healing C. Stewardship D. Conceptualization

What is forgiveness?


This founder worked as a lawyer in Cincinnati and Dayton, Ohio. Eventually went on to run for congress. Then died in an accidental tragic way in 1890:

Who is Founder Isaac M. Jordan?


Greenleaf says that a servant leader is "sharply different from one who is leader first."  How are these two leaders different?

What is a servant leader has a natural inclination to serve first; serving then promotes a natural inclination to lead.


An exaggerated form of Style behaviors used by a person to reduce tension within the relationship that caused the tension is known as:

What is backup behavior?


Brothers Harry St. John Dixon, Virginia 1861, and Brother Harry Yerfer, Mississippi 1864 are accredited with:

What is creating the Constantine Chapter?


An exaggerated form of Style behaviors used by a person to reduce tension within the relationship that caused the tension:

What are backup behaviors?


This founder is responsible for many of the moral foundations of the fraternity:

Who is Founder Daniel William Cooper?

Founder Runkle wrote this about Cooper:

“He never reproved; he never lectured. By common consent he was the head of the chapter, and no one thought of displacing him. Different from every one of us, he walked among us honored, loved, looked up to with perfect confidence. He taught us that the badge was not to be looked upon as common. Many an hour did I pass in his room, and every minute was a benediction.”


The Servant Leadership Certificate, is focused on servant leader behaviors such a empathy, listening, and commitment to people growth, therefore it is most closely aligned with this dimension of the Sigma Chi Transformational Leadership Model:

What is others dimension?


Five Followership Styles describe the best followers as people who have a high level of independent, critical thinking  and active contributors to the project.  These followers are called:

What are effective followers?


Served as 14th Grand Consul, member of the Delta Delta Chapter, and author of The Sigma Chi Creed:

Who is Significant Sig George Ade?


These behaviors that are infrequently used in favor of the preferred behaviors of each style, viewed by others as the greatest weakness of that style: 

What are Growth Actions?


Founder Runkle said this about what founder, he was “courteous and loyal in his friendship."

Who is Founder Franklin Howard Scobey?


According to Robert Greenleaf, a Servant Leader is focused on the _____________ and _______________ of others.

What is growth and development?


McCallum's (2013) behaviors of effective servant followers include:

What is judgment, competence, and discretion?