Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5?

What is an idiom?

Idioms are phrases or expressions that have a figurative meaning different from the literal meaning of the words that make them up.

Explain three points of success criteria for a Socratic discussion.
  • Speak loudly and clearly
  • Participate prepared
  • Dig below the surface meaning
  • Cite reasons and evidence for my statements
  • Use the text to find support
  • Stick with the subject
  • Listen to others respectfully
  • Support each other
  • Talk to each other, not just the leader
  • Paraphrase accurately
  • Pose questions to advance the discussion
  • Ask for help to clear up confusion

What are the main components of a body paragraph in essay writing?

Each paragraph includes:

  • Topic sentence

  • Development of the idea with evidence

  • Interpretation and relevance of the evidence

  • Closing/transition sentence


What is peer review? Why is it important?

Peer editing means working with someone your own age – usually someone in your class – to help improve, revise, and edit his or her writing.


What is a word that means "to make something easier to understand by giving more details"?



What does this idiom mean? "Barking up the wrong tree."

Pursuing a mistaken or misguided course of action, or looking in the wrong place for something.


What does this English phrase mean? "Wadidi”

What did he?

“Wadidi do?”


What are transition words? Why are they important for essay writing?

Transition words connect ideas and paragraphs, making the writing smoother and easier to follow.


What are the main components of an introduction paragraph in essay writing?

  • General opening sentence

  • Context and background details

  • Main issue of the essay

  • Thesis statement (central argument)

  • Explanation of the argument’s importance

  • Mapping scheme for the body


What does the idiom "spill the beans" mean?

"to reveal a secret"


What two components make up a complete sentence? Bonus: Define them!

subject and a predicate.


Fill in the blank with the correct preposition. 

I work ______ the HR department.

I work in the HR department.


What is the literary device, imagery?

imagery refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the senses, creating a mental picture for the reader.


How do different camera angles/shots evoke meaning with regard to media? 

emotional impact, Combining shots for flow


Explain the meaning of the metaphor "a double-edged sword" in the context of making a decision.

a situation that has both positive and negative consequences


What is a petroglyph? 

Petroglyphs are rock carvings created by the Mi'kmaq people to convey stories, mark important events, and express their spirituality.


One person from your group - pronounce this tongue twister without making a mistake! 

"Three thoughtful theologists threw thin, thin thimbles at the heavy, high hills while humming happily."


How many syllables are in a Haiku?



What is the main teaching of the Mi'kmaw medicine wheel?

T h e m a i n t e a c h i n g i s t h a t l if e m o v e s i n a c i r c l e . T h i n k a b o u t t h e E a r t h—i t ' s r o u n d , a n d s o a r e t h e S u n , M o o n , a n d a l l t h e p l a n e t s a n d s t a r s . S e a s o n s , d a y a n d n i g h t , a n d o u r l if e s t a g e s a l s o f o l l o w a c i r c u l a r p a t t e r n—f r o m b i r t h t o c h i l d h o o d , y o u t h , a d u l t h o o d , o l d a g e , a n d t h e n b a c k t o a n e w b e g i n n i n g .  


What is the difference in pronunciation between "affect" (verb) and "effect" (noun), and which syllable is stressed in each?

"affect" has stress on the second syllable, and "effect" has stress on the first syllable.


What is the correct order of Adjectives to describe a noun?

 Quantity (how many) Quality/Opinion (general description) Size (how big or small) Age (how old) Shape (shape of the object) Color (color) Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material) Purpose (what it is used for).


Define "Negritude." Bonus: Explain the 3 main themes in David Diop (from France) poetry:

Loosely translates to "Blackness" in French A 1930s Francophone critical and literary theory that celebrates "Blackness" and spoke against European colonialism.

3 main themes in David Diop (from France) poetry: 

Criticism of Western civilization/colonialism

Nostalgia for the glory of what Africa was before colonialism

Belief in a prosperous, strong, united Africa in the future


In the short story, "Spider the Artist" What does the Zombie, named Udide Okwanka, symbolize in relation to the protagonist’s personal transformation and her struggle against oppression?

The Zombie symbolizes the protagonist’s hope for change and her way to use music as a tool for personal freedom and improvement?


What is the definition of "Pensive?" 

Engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought


In British English, what is the common term for what Americans call a "truck"?
