Impact of Teaching
Cultural Perspectives on Teaching
Family and Community Views
Global Teaching Practices
FIU Teach

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, what is the median annual wage for elementary school teachers in the United States?

What is $60,940?


In the United States, this month is dedicated to appreciating teachers and their contributions.

What is May?


According to surveys, this percentage of American parents believes that teachers have a significant impact on their child's academic success.

What is 75%?


In comparison to other countries, American teachers typically have this many hours of instructional time per year.

What is 1,080 hours?


FIU Teach is a program designed to prepare students for careers in this field.

What is teaching?


This federal initiative aims to provide all students with access to excellent teachers and is part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

What is the Teacher Incentive Fund?


This U.S. state is known for having the highest average salary for teachers.

What is New York?


Community involvement in schools can take many forms. Name one common way communities support local schools in the U.S.

What is through parent-teacher associations (PTAs)?


This U.S. state has implemented the Finnish model of education in some of its schools, focusing on student well-being and innovative teaching methods.

What is California?


This FIU Teach course introduces students to the basics of teaching and education.

What is Step 1?


This national program places recent college graduates in under-resourced schools for a two-year commitment.

What is Teach For America?


This initiative encourages diversity in the teaching workforce by providing grants to minority-serving institutions.

What is the Minority Teacher Recruitment Initiative?


This national event encourages parents to visit their child's school and engage in their education.

What is National Take Your Parents to School Day?


This type of professional development model, used widely in Japan, involves teachers collaborating to plan, observe, and discuss lessons.

What is Lesson Study?


FIU Teach partners with this organization to offer extensive field experiences for students.

What is Miami-Dade County Public Schools?


This act, passed in 2001, aimed to improve educational outcomes by increasing accountability for schools, but was replaced by ESSA in 2015.

What is the No Child Left Behind Act?


This cultural value in American society emphasizes the importance of individual achievement and has a significant impact on educational practices.

What is individualism?


This type of school, which is publicly funded but operates independently, has become increasingly popular in American education.

What are charter schools?


In the U.S., teachers are encouraged to use this approach, which involves integrating multiple subjects into a cohesive learning paradigm.

What is interdisciplinary teaching?


Name one benefit FIU Teach offers to its students.

What are scholarships and financial support?