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this bill if passed aims to stop children up to the age of 18 from being interrogated by police before speaking with legal counsel.

What is the #Right2RemainSilent bill?


An officer may approach someone and ask general, non-accusatory questions. 

What is a level 1 stop?


Artivism is...

What is any form of art or expression that advocates for change or brings awareness to social or political issues?


How many bills make up the Communities Not Cages Act?

What is 3?


This person stepped down from the US presidential race.

Who is President Joe Biden


One place is where people who are accused of crimes are detained if they can't make bail, while the other place is where people are held until they're finished serving the time they have been sentenced to.

What is the difference between jail and prison?


When the police have the legal right to ask you more detailed questions, if they have a founded suspicion that criminal activity may be occurring.

What is a level 2 stop?


3 Presidents who were in the Malachi Wright painting titled "Glory Boys" 

Who is Donald Trump?

Who is Joe Biden?

Who is Barack Obama?


This bill will eliminate mandatory minimum sentence, including New York's two-and three- strike laws, allowing judges to consider the individual factors in the case.

What is the Eliminate Mandatory Minimums Act?


America's first Black/South-Asian woman nominated for the  democratic presidential nominee.

Who is Kamala Harris?


Mayor DiBlasio signed this bill into law in 2019. Advocates are pushing for this to be enacted no later than August 31 2027.

What is the closing of Rikers Island?


The officer stops someone and makes it clear that they are not free to leave.

What is a level 3 stop?


A young African-American artist (painter) from Dixmoor, Illinois, who's work has been used for several mainstream hip-hop artists.

Who is Malachi Wright?


Will allow judges to review and reconsider excessive sentences.

What is the Second Look Act?


This deadly incident was a turning point in the republican presidential campaign. 

What is the attempted assassination of former president Donald Trump?


This plan would build new jails in 4 of the 5 boroughs of NYC, the exception being Staten Island.

What is the Borough Based Jail Plan?


The office who engages the community by offering the public, specifically people impacted NYPD's Stop and Frisk program, more opportunities to be heard and to provide input on the reform process.

What is the Community Liaison office?


Art/Expression is...

What is Music, Dance, Painting/Drawing, Poetry, Acting, Writing?


This bill will strengthen and expand "good time" and "merit time" laws to encourage  personal transformation in prison and reunite families.

What is the Earned Time Act?


This proposed project plans to set a conservative platform for the next platform.

What is Project 2025?


5 young teens that were unlawfully imprisoned for the brutal assault of a young woman in Central Park.

Who are the Central Park/Exonerated 5?


This type of movement alerts police of potential suspicious activity.

What are furtive movements?


Wrote one of the most socially motivating hiphop songs of all time called "Keep Your Head Up"

Who is Tupac Shakur?


A network of policing, prosecution, incarceration, surveillance, debt, and social control that is rooted in, builds upon, and reproduces economic and racial inequality and oppression.

What is mass incarceration?


Picked to be Kamala Harris' running mate as her vice president

Who is Minnesota Governor TimWalz?