Accidental Inventions
Urban Legends
Sci-Fi Movies
What City is this in?

You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?

A Candle


Thinking on her feet, a baker decided to chop up a block of Nestle semi-sweet chocolate, assuming that it would melt and spread evenly throughout the batter. Instead, what came out of the oven was the very first batch of these

Chocolate Chip Cookie


This children's doll is famous for being a powerful evil force. There have been movies based on this specific doll. To this day, this doll can be found at a Warren's Occult Museum for haunted belongings. It sits behind bullet proof glass that has been blessed by a priest.

The Annabelle Doll


Who plays Spock in the original series of ‘Star Trek’?

Lenoard Nemoy


What City is the Statue of Liberty Located in? 

New York City


I am something people love or hate. I change people’s appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of themself I will go up even higher. To some people, I will fool them. To others, I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will never go down. What am I?



At the 1904 World’s Fair, an ice cream vendor ran out of plates, so he bought waffles from another vendor and rolled them up to hold the ice cream and created this common food item by accident.

Ice Cream Cone


This legend can be traced back all the way to 360 BCE. The Greeks described this legend as a city founded by Poseidon that waged wars against surrounding communities. Then as punishment by Zeus, the city was sunk for its aggression and misbehavior.  

The City of Atlantis 


A sci-fi tale that reminds man for the millionth time that he should never play God; complete with big prehistoric animals

Jurassic Park


What City is the Effeil Tower Located? 



You go at red and stop at green. What am I?

A Watermelon 


This invention was originally made by a high schooler for a circus act, and now, some people have them in their backyards



In today's society these creatures have been altered by pop culture to represent beauty and peace. Being popularized in movies and portrayed as princesses. However, the origin of this legend is quite the opposite. These creatures were first known as that of a violent nature, they would use their voice and beauty to lure in sailors to their deaths.

Mermaid/Siren (Both acceptable answers)


This famous science fiction television show, created by Rod Sterling, inspired its own ride at Disney's Hollywood Studios.

The Twilight Zone


What City is the Coliseum located in?  



What's lighter than a feather but impossible to hold for much more than a minute?

Your breath


This appliance was accidentally invented by a man name Percy Spencer. He was experimenting with a magnetron - a tube that channels electrons towards a chamber so that they come out from a central location - and noticed that the energy from this thing had melted a candy bar in his pocket and popped popcorn. The original was 5 1/2 feet tall, cost a whopping $5,000, and weighed 750lbs, but now they're commonly on kitchen counters and we use them to heat and reheat food quickly.

A Microwave


In a well-known urban legend, what is said to happen when someone breaks a mirror?

You get 7 years of bad luck


Fiction book that was later adapted into a movie was about a group of children fighting as 'tributes' in a vicious game to death?

The Hunger Games


What City is the Acropolis Located in?  



I belong to you but others use me more often than you do. What am I?



Wilson Greatbatch was working on a device to record heartbeats when he accidentally invented this device to regulate heartbeats.



This legend describes large winged creature that appeared in the Charleston and Point Pleasant areas of West Virginia in the 60's. There are rumors that it appears before upcoming disasters, or that it causes disasters.



Which horror/science fiction movie starred the Xenomorph?



What city is Alcatraz Prison in? 

San Fransico